Interface RoleDataController

All Superinterfaces:

public interface RoleDataController
extends RoleData

The RoleDataController provides write access to the role mappings of a protected resource. Principals can be assigned to or unassigned from each RoleType that is applicable to the resource.


Method Summary
 void addPrincipalsToRole(RoleType roleType, java.util.Collection<? extends Identifiable> principals)
          Add each member in the list of principals to the role.
 void removePrincipalsFromRole(RoleType roleType, java.util.Collection<? extends Identifiable> principals)
          Remove each member in the list of principals from the role.
Methods inherited from interface
getMappedPrincipals, getRole, getRoleAssignments, getRoles, getRoleTypes

Method Detail


void addPrincipalsToRole(RoleType roleType,
                         java.util.Collection<? extends Identifiable> principals)
                         throws AccessControlException,
Add each member in the list of principals to the role.

roleType - The role type to identify the role to that the list of principals is added.
principals - Collection of Principal objects representing the principals that are newly mapped to the role by this operation, leaving the existing role mappings untouched.
AccessControlException - will be thrown if any access control related error occurs
SystemException - will be thrown if a system resource problem, e.g. a database exception, occurs
MissingAccessRightsException - will be thrown if the current user does not have the necessary access rights to perform the operation


void removePrincipalsFromRole(RoleType roleType,
                              java.util.Collection<? extends Identifiable> principals)
                              throws AccessControlException,
Remove each member in the list of principals from the role. If a principal is not mapped to the role, the operation is ignored for this particular principal.

roleType - The role type to identify the role from that the list of principals is removed.
principals - Collection of Principal objects representing the principals that are removed from the role by this operation, leaving the mappings for all other principals untouched.
AccessControlException - will be thrown if any access control related error occurs
SystemException - will be thrown if a system resource problem, e.g. a database exception, occurs
MissingAccessRightsException - will be thrown if the current user does not have the necessary access rights to perform the operation