PAA dependencies for deployment and removal

The deployment and removal of a Portal Application Archive (PAA) file might depend on deployment of other PAA applications. You can specify the PAA dependencies for a PAA file in the assembly level sdd.xml file.

Add PAA dependencies for deploying a PAA file

The deployment of a PAA file might depend on deployment of other PAA applications. You can specify the PAA dependencies for deploying a PAA file in the assembly level sdd.xml file.

To define the PAA dependencies for a PAA file, you must edit the assembly level sdd.xml file in the PAA directory. Open the sdd.xml file and search for the <rootIU> tag. Add the <paaDependencies> tag to the <rootIU> tag. Also, add the <paaDependency> tag for each PAA dependency in the <paaDependencies> tag. The <paaDependency> tag has the following attributes:
This attribute is required. Set the value to the name of the PAA dependency.
This attribute is optional. Only one PAA dependency version value is acceptable for this attribute.
This attribute is optional. Only one PAA dependency version value is acceptable for this attribute.
This attribute is optional. You can add multiple PAA dependency version value for this attribute as a comma-separated list.
You can specify more than one <paaDependency> tag in the <paaDependencies> tag. For example, you might add the following information to your sdd.xml file:
	<paaDependency name="Dependency1" lowerVersion="" higherVersion="" versions="" /> 
	<paaDependency name="Dependency2" lowerVersion="" higherVersion="" versions="" /> 

All the PAA dependencies that are specified in the <paaDependencies> tag must be deployed on the Portal server. The version of each PAA dependency must match the values that are specified in <paaDependencies> tag. Then, the PAA file can be deployed into the Portal server.

The Solution Installer uses the following rules to determine whether a PAA file can be deployed:
  • The Solution Installer assumes the PAA dependency requirement is satisfied in the following situations:
    • If the <paaDependency> tag is not found in the assembly level sdd.xml file
    • If the <paaDependency> tag exists but has no attributes that are defined
  • All the PAA dependencies that are specified in the <paaDependencies> tag satisfy the requirement. The requirement is, for each of the PAA dependencies that are specified in a <paaDependency> tag, at least one of the following is true:
    • The PAA dependency is deployed. The lowerVersion attribute is set and the value is equal to or greater than the current version of PAA dependency.
    • The PAA dependency is deployed. The higherVersion attribute is set and the current version of PAA dependency is less than or equal to its value.
    • The PAA dependency is deployed. The versions attribute is set and the current version of PAA dependency matches one of the values.

Add PAA dependencies for removing a PAA file

The removal of a PAA file might depend on removal of other PAA applications. You can specify the PAA dependency for removing a PAA file in the assembly level sdd.xml file.

To define the PAA dependencies for a PAA file, you must edit the assembly level sdd.xml file in the PAA directory. Open the sdd.xml file and search for the <rootIU> tag. Add the <paaDependencies> tag to the <rootIU> tag. And add <removePaaDependency> tag for each PAA dependency in the <paaDependencies> tag. The <removePaaDependency> tag has the following attributes:
This attribute is required. Set the value to the name of the PAA dependency.
This attribute is optional. Only one PAA dependency version value is acceptable for this attribute.
This attribute is optional. Only one PAA dependency version value is acceptable for this attribute.
This attribute is optional. You can add multiple PAA dependency version value for this attribute as a comma-separated list.
You can specify more than one <paaDependency> tag in the <paaDependencies> tag. For example, you might add the following information to your sdd.xml file:
	<removePaaDependency name="Dependency1" lowerVersion="" higherVersion="" versions="" /> 
	<removePaaDependency name="Dependency2" lowerVersion="" higherVersion="" versions="" /> 
The Solution Installer uses the following rules to determine whether a PAA file can be removed:
  • The Solution Installer assumes the PAA dependency requirement is satisfied in the following situations:
    • If the <removePaaDependency> tag is not found in the assembly level sdd.xml file
    • If the <removePaaDependency> tag exists but has no attributes that are defined
  • All the PAA dependencies satisfy the requirement. The requirement is, for each of the PAA dependencies that are specified in a <removePaaDependency> tag, the PAA dependency is not deployed, or not any of the following is true:
    • The PAA dependency is deployed. The lowerVersion attribute is set and the value is less than the current version of PAA dependency.
    • The PAA dependency is deployed. The higherVersion attribute is set and the value is greater than the current version of PAA dependency.
    • The PAA dependency is deployed. The versions attribute is set and the current version of PAA dependency matches any one of the values.