On IBM i set USER.REGION variable | HCL Digital Experience
Under IBM i, Portal Search collections might fail to collect documents.
In this case the logs will provide the following or similar
[8/24/08 23:19:47:164 EDT] 000000cd ServletWrappe E
Uncaught init() exception thrown by servlet SearchSeedlistServletSecured
[8/24/08 23:19:47:175 EDT] 000000cd ServletWrappe E
Deregister the mbean because of uncaught init() exception thrown by
servlet SearchSeedlistServletSecured: javax.servlet.ServletException:
Could not load resource bundle nls.SeedlistServletMessages using locale
en_${USER.REGION} - Java Exception Message: java.util.MissingResourceException:
Can't find bundle for base name nls.SeedlistServletMessages,
locale en_${USER.REGION}
Solution: In order for portal collections to work on a IBM® i system, set the system variable USER.REGION.