Insights metric chart reference
Metric charts can be attached to dashboards, value streams, and applications in the Portfolio view.
HCL™ Accelerate provides metric definitions that you can apply to value streams, deployments, pipelines, and applications. Metric definitions describe expected data types and default chart settings. You can also send custom metric definitions to HCL™ Accelerate from the external clients by using the API.
Metric definitions, when applied to data, are represented by charts and graphs that can be attached to dashboards, value streams, and applications in the Portfolio view. Depending on how the data is collected, metric charts can be updated in near-real-time.
HCL™ Accelerate provides many pre-defined metric definitions and their related charts. You can create your own custom metric definitions and use them wherever you would use a pre-defined one.
Delivery flow charts
Chart | Description |
Lead Time | Median time between idea and value realization as defined by the value stream definition for work items completed in a specified time period. |
Cycle Time | Median time between the start of work and value realization as defined by the value stream definition for work items completed in a specified time period. |
Build Frequency | Number of builds by type in a specified time period. |
Deploy Frequency | Number of deploys by status in a specified time period. The metric can be set to process names, environment, result, type, or application. The default metric is result. The data can scoped by data set, environment, process, result, or version. |
Load | The counts of work item types active in a specified time period. |
Throughput | The rate at which work items are completed in a specified time period. |
Distribution | Percentage of work items by type completed in a specified period of time. |
Quality-type charts
Chart | Description |
Coverage By Branch | Percent of branches with associated tests executed during testing. |
Coverage By Function | Percent of program functions executed during testing. |
Coverage By Line | Percent of lines of code executed during testing. |
Functional Tests | Number of functional tests by status in a specified period of time. |
Static Code Analysis | Number of issues by severity in a specified period of time. |
Unit Tests | Number of tests by status in a specified period of time. |
Risk-type charts
Chart | Description |
Container Vulnerabilities | Number of container vulnerabilities by severity in a specified period of time. The metric can be set to process names, environment, result, type, application, tag, or team. The default metric is result. The data can scoped by data set, process, or version. |
Application Vulnerabilities | Number of application vulnerabilities by severity in a specified period of time. |
Metric bar data
Data | Description |
Bottlleneck | A constriction in local throughput that limits the global throughput of a system. Bottlenecks include a set of events or conditions that occur in the value stream that you monitor in the process. Refer to the bottleneck detection page for further details. Note: Bottleneck is not a metric. This indicator can be added and viewed only on the metrics bar and the value stream table view. |
Delivery Flow, Quality, and Risk charts defined in the above tables. | Various according to the specific metrics defined in the above chart tables. |