Verifying publication of stubs

You can verify whether a stub or collection of stubs was published to HCL DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel (Test Virtualization Control Panel), a Dockerfile and build context, Istio, or Kubernetes.

Verifying stub publication to Test Virtualization Control Panel


  1. Log in to Test Virtualization Control Panel.
  2. Click the Environments icon or navigation link.

    The Environments Dashboard is displayed.

  3. You can change the domain and environment you want to view by clicking the domain/environment link, and from the domain/environment selection dialog displayed, select the domain, and then select the Environment.

    The Environments Dashboard is displayed for the selected environment and domain.

    Note: If you are using or later and domain-level security is enabled, you can use only the domains to which you were granted access.


The published stubs for the environment in the domain are shown on the Environments Dashboard.

Verifying stub publication in Dockerfile and build context

You can verify whether a stub or collection of stubs was published to a Dockerfile and build context.


  1. After you publish stubs to a Dockerfile and build context, the stubs are published along with the generated Dockerfile to the output directory specified in the publish step. Open that directory where the stubs are published.

    Two directories exist, Project containing project files and UserLibs containing library files that were copied based on what was configured in the Library Manager. Three files are generated, the Dockerfile, a quickstart.html, and

  2. Open the file, which shows you one or more stubs that are included in the publish process. The name of the stub, its ID, and its exposed port are shown.
  3. Open the Dockerfile. This file is the build file generated based on the stub. The file does not require modification but you might choose to update it to change the locale that is used when you run the stub.


Stub information is shown in the file.

Verifying stub publication in Kubernetes

After you publish stubs in HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs), you can verify whether a stub or collection of stubs was published to Kubernetes.

About this task

After you publish stubs to Kubernetes, the stubs are published with the generated YAML file to the output directory specified in the publish step.


  1. Open that directory where the stubs are published.

    You can find two files namely, <identifier name>.yaml that contains the configuration information about the published stubs and the <identifier name>.project.tar.gz that contains the project files. You can also find a third file UserLibs.tar.gz that contains the library files that were copied based on what was configured in the Library Manager.

  2. Open the <identifier name>.yaml file.

    This YAML file defines a simple Kubernetes deployment that runs a container by using the Docker runtime image and runs the stubs specified in the publish step.