Installing HCL® Quality Server in the console mode on Linux

You can find information about installing HCL® Quality Server in the console mode on Linux by using the stand-alone installer.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:


  1. Open a terminal and log in as a root user.
  2. Extract the compressed file by entering the following command:
    unzip <package_name>
    Note: For example, the name of the software package for HCL® Quality Server can be as
  3. Run the following command:

    ./HCL-Quality-Server-Linux-x64-v10.5.0.bin -i console

    The Introduction window of the stand-alone installer is displayed.

  4. Optionally, select the language from the drop-down list in which you want to install the product and use the stand-alone installer.
    The options of the languages in which you can install the product depends on the display language that is configured on your computer. You can install the product in any of the following languages that are supported:
    Table 1. Supported languages
    Default display language Language options that are displayed


    • Czech
    • English
    • Hungarian
    • Polish




    • English
    • French
    • German
    • Italian
    • Portuguese (Brazil)
    • Spanish




    Portuguese (Brazil)



    • English
    • Japanese


    • English
    • Korean


    • English
    • Russian

    Simplified Chinese

    • English
    • Simplified Chinese

    Traditional Chinese

    • English
    • Traditional Chinese


    • English
    • Turkish
    The stand-alone installer UI is displayed in the language that you select.
  5. Read through the details, and then click Next.

    The License Agreement window is displayed.

  6. Read the license agreement carefully, select the I accept checkbox, and then click Next.

    The Select Install Folder window is displayed.

  7. Select the location to install by performing any of the following actions:
    • Select the default location that is displayed.

      The default location is /opt/HCL/OneTest-QualityServer.

    • Click Choose, browse for a location on your computer, and then click OK to select the location.
      Note: You must select an existing folder or create a folder in any of the root directories on your computer.
  8. Click Next.
    The Install Service window is displayed.
    Note: The options for Install Service and Start On Boot are selected for both the primary options of HCL Quality Server and HCL OneTest HTTP/TCP Proxy, which are also selected as default options.
    The following actions are possible:
    • If the selections are retained, HCL Quality Server and HCL OneTest HTTP/TCP Proxy are installed as services and they are started whenever the computer is started.
    • If the selections are cleared, HCL Quality Server and HCL OneTest HTTP/TCP Proxy are not installed as services and you must manually start them.
  9. Retain or clear the selections, and then click Next.

    The Configuration for HCL Quality Server v10.5.0 window is displayed.

  10. Select your action based on the descriptions for the options displayed:
    Option Description
    HTTPS Port The HCL® Quality Server HTTPS Port where HCL® Quality Server listens for all communications. The default port is 5443.
    Note: You can change the port number after installation and also enable plain HTTP. For details, see Configuring the server HTTP Endpoint.
    Workspace Path The path to the HCL® Quality Server workspace, which is used for storing published stubs, audit and activity logs, and user information.
    Note: You can create the workspace in the default path if you are installing the product for the first time or you can change the location to your existing workspace, if you already have created a workspace.
    Hostname The hostname of the computer on which you want to install HCL® Quality Server. This information is used to create a connection URL for other products to connect to HCL® Quality Server. The default values are provided for you.
    Networking Specify the version of Internet Protocol to be used as the networking environment preference by HCL® Quality Server when the HTTP/TCP proxy is installed.
    Note: You can retain the selection of the default version of Internet Protocol v4 or select IPv6.
  11. Click Next.

    The Advanced Configuration window is displayed.

  12. Retain the default port or enter the port number that you want to be used for internal communications, and then click Next.

    The HQS Security Configuration window is displayed.

  13. Select the type of authentication that you want to enable to access HCL® Quality Server from the following options:
    • Select None, if you do not want any authentication.
    • Select HCL Quality Server Built-in, if you want to secure the access by setting up the credentials for an administrator. Provide a user name and a password.
  14. Click Next.

    The Pre-Installation Summary window is displayed.

  15. Read through the details, and then click Install.

    The Install Complete window is displayed after the installation of HCL® Quality Server is completed.

  16. Click Done to close the stand-alone installer.


You have installed the product on your computer.

What to do next

You can check the installation log to verify the installation. You can find the logs in the <Installation_folder>/logs folder.

You must set up the license before you can use the product. See Setting up licenses for HCL OneTest API.