Security settings for HCL OneTest API MQ alias queue recording

If security is enabled for the queue manager, you must enable certain authorities in the queue manager for the HCL OneTest API MQ alias queue recording to access the HCL OneTest API alias queue.

Queue alias recording authorities

To successfully perform alias queue recording, the following MQ authorities must be granted to the following users:
  • HCL OneTest API user. The MQ Username as configured in the MQ physical transport within HCL OneTest API.
  • Putting application user. The MQ Username used by applications when performing an MQ PUT to the queues being recorded.
Note: Before changing the queue manager authorities, use the dmpmqaut command to back up the existing queue manager authorities.
Table 1. Queue alias recording authorities for the HCL OneTest API userThe following permissions are required for the user to successfully perform alias queue recording.
Object Permissions
Queue manager:
  • queue_manager_name
  • connect
  • inquire
  • display
  • put
  • get
  • display
  • display
  • display
  • alias_queue_name
Note: The name of the alias queue that is being recorded.
  • change
  • display
  • **
  • create
Note: This queue manager authority is granting the create permission to the Queue @class object, allowing the user the permission to create queues.
  • **
  • create
Note: This queue manager authority is granting the create permission to the Topic @class object, allowing the user the permission to create topics.
  • alias_queue_target_queue_name
Note: The name of the base queue that the alias currently points at. This name must be reapplied should the name of the base queue change.
  • put
Table 2. Queue alias recording authorities for the Putting application userThe following permissions are required for the Putting applications user to successfully perform alias queue recording.
Object Permissions
Queue manager:
  • queue_manager_name
  • connect
  • inquire
  • alias_queue_name
Note: The name of the alias queue that is being recorded.
  • put
  • *_GH
  • publish
A sample script SetAliasRecordingAuthorities.bat or that configures the required permissions in the queue manager is available inside a scripts folder of a .zip file in the HCL Quality Server installation directory (for example, <Server installation directory>\tools\IBM\WebSphereMQ\dist) in the .zip file named

The sample scripts containing the distributed WebSphere® MQ API Exit .zip file, can be downloaded from HCL Quality Server.