This guide describes the tasks that you can perform for testing various domains, technologies, and applications. To enable testing, you must configure and enable the environment for testing.
This guide describes the tasks that you can perform for using virtual services or stubs to simulate parts of an environment if the real services are not yet available or because they are difficult or expensive to use. This guide is intended for API Testers.
You can publish stubs that are created in HCL OneTest™ API to HCL Quality Server, Dockerfile and build context, Kubernetes, or Istio, if the stub is based on a supported transport.
Several methods are available to start and stop the stubs. You can also modify and control stubs while they are running.
You can use HCL Quality Server, HCL OneTest™ API, or Docker to stop the stubs.
This guide provides the topics to help the API tester use the product by using the user interface, commands or scripts. This guide is intended for API testers.
HCL OneTest™ Virtualization is software that is used for creating, maintaining, publishing, and running message-based stubs and database stubs.
You can use the HCL Quality Server Environments dashboard to perform various tasks such as starting, stopping stubs and scenarios, and modifying stub configurations after you have published stubs to HCL Quality Server. You can also lock the environment that contain the published stubs.
You can simulate an HTTP connection with a virtual service, also known as a stub.
You can simulate an HTTPS connection with a virtual service, also known as a stub.
You can simulate a TCP connection with a virtual service, also known as a stub.
You can virtualize REST APIs by using the Recording Studio, or by synchronizing WADL, Swagger, or RAML documents. When none of these options is available, you can still manually virtualize REST APIs that use path parameters.
In HCL OneTest™ API, there are several methods that you can use to create a message-based stub.
You can use either the Test Editor or the Stub Editor to create, modify, and enhance any legacy or new stubs created by HCL OneTest™ API.
You can create and modify database stubs in HCL OneTest™ API.
A stub running on its own may not be sufficient in some cases, because it might have dependencies on services such as HCL Quality Server or the HTTP proxy. If the stub is running on the public cloud and the services are running in the enterprise, you must configure the stub to connect to these services.
You can publish a stub to HCL Quality Server, Dockerfile and build context, Kubernetes, or Istio with Kubernetes by using the HCL OneTest™ API Publish Stubs wizard.
HCL Quality Server, HCL OneTest™ API, or Docker can be used to start stubs.
In HCL Quality Server, you can create scenarios, which are collections of configured stubs that can be started and stopped together.
When you want to stop stubs that are running on HCL Quality Server, you can stop individual stubs or stop multiple stubs from the Environments Dashboard or Infrastructure Dashboard.
You can stop stubs using the HCL OneTest™ API method.
Use the docker stop command to stop stubs that you published to a Docker container.
docker stop
When you no longer require the stub that is running in an Istio or a Kubernetes deployment, you can delete the virtual service of the stub or delete the complete deployment of the stub.
If you are using HCL OneTest™ API to run a stub, you can modify the stub while it is running.
You can control stubs that are running in a number of ways.
You can create a simple behavior called "echo" that will expose one function and one event for use by a HCL OneTest™ Virtualization stub.
You can use HCL Quality Server to display the results of tests that you run in both HCL OneTest™ API and HCL Quality Server.
HCL Quality Server collects and stores usage metric data. The metric data might include the number and types of actions that are used, the features that are used in the workbench, details about Operating System or languages set while running, and so forth. You cannot view the metric data on the HCL Quality Server user interface, but it is available from the underlying implementation. Storage is either managed by H2 or optionally Apache Cassandra. For more information about the H2 database and its management, see sections A. Server Configuration and D. Deleting Data.
All the project stakeholders can view test reports for multiple testing products from the Results page on HCL OneTest™ Server. You can access the Results page from a web browser. Therefore, there is no need to install the desktop client.
You can use workarounds to common problems that you might encounter when you use HCL OneTest™ Virtualization.