Selecting a stub to start or stop
You can use various options to select a stub to start or stop.
When selecting a stub, the domain, environment, component, operation,
name and version options must uniquely identify the particular stub
and a particular version of that stub to start.
- If, for a given name, there is only one stub with that name in an environment, only domain, environment, and name are required.
- If there are multiple versions:
- You can specify domain, environment and stub name to start the latest version of the
stub.Note: If you are using HCL OneTest™ API 8.5.0 or earlier, and the HCL Quality Server command line or Apache Ant tasks are used to start a stub, and if no stub version information is provided, it is the earliest version of a stub that is run.
- Alternatively, you can specify domain, environment, stub name and version to start a particular version of the stub.
- You can specify domain, environment and stub name to start the latest version of the
- If there are multiple stubs of the same name in an environment, you use the component and operation options to specify which one is to be started. These are the component and operation names under which the stub is available in the HCL Quality Server Environments dashboard. They are the same as lowest level service component, or similar, and the operation, if any, that the stub is under in the project.
- If the command is being used in an automated script, always use the component, operation (if any), and version even if, at the time of writing the script, one of the alternatives above would be sufficient. This is because using all of these options bring resilience against future changes in the environment's list of available stubs and versions.
If you locked the environment that you use and HCL Quality Server security is enabled and Administering HCL Quality Server, you must include your user name with any commands that you enter. However, if the security functionality of HCL Quality Server is disabled, you must not specify the user name option even if the environment is locked.