Running tests in a containerized workbench
You can run tests in a containerized workbench after you deploy your Docker images. You need not install the workbench on your computer to run your tests.
Before you begin
- You must have configured a Docker container.
- You must have exported test assets to a location from where Docker can import them.
- You must use a Bash shell to run the commands for executing tests. In Windows operating system, you can use Git Bash.
- The version number of the container images and the desktop products must
match. If you have a previous version of the container image, you must
uninstall it and then install the current version. To uninstall the image,
you must use the following commands:
To stop the container:
docker stop "CONTAINER ID"
To uninstall the image:
docker rmi -f "image ID"
- When you want to run Web UI tests on Chrome or Edge browser that is
installed with HCL DevOps Test
UI (Test UI) in a Docker container, you must accept the license agreement and terms of
use of these third-party browsers by using the
-acceptLicense parameter. For example, to run a
test on the Chrome browser, you must use the following values:
-acceptLicense "name=google-chrome"
You can also specify multiple browser names such as Chrome and Edge to run the test by using the following value:-acceptLicense "name=google-chrome,ms-edge"
Restriction: If you run the test script for an HTML
application as part of a compound test and in the headless mode in Docker, the
inputKeys action for some special keys might not work. For
example, in Firefox, the inputKeys action does not work for arrow
Run the following command to load the workbench image into the Docker
docker load -i <workbenchImageName>
For example, workbenchImageName can be hcl-devops-test-workbench-<versionNumber>.tar.gz.
When the workbench image is loaded into the Docker repository, the following message is displayed:-Loaded image: imageFileName:versionNumber
To run tests on the Docker environment without using any agents, complete the
following steps:
The following table lists the command options with description:
Command Description --rm Removes the container after the run is completed. -e Sets the environment variables. HCL_LICENSING_URL=<URL> Specifies the URL of the license server. For example, HCL_LICENSING_ID=<ID> Specifies the cloud license server ID. If you are using a local license server, you must not use this variable. The floating license for the product and VT-packs must be on the license server. hostTestAssets:/containerTestAssets Specifies the folder location on the host computer and the container that contains the compressed test assets (.zip format). You must use both the locations to map one or more shared volumes to transfer data such as test assets, logs, and execution results between the host and the container. hostImportedData:/containerImportedData Specifies the workspace location on the host computer and the container that contains the test assets that are not compressed. The results of the test execution are saved to the directory you specify on the host computer. TEST_IMPORT_PATH=<PATH> Specifies the location of the compressed test assets to be imported into the container. The location path is on the container side and not the host. For example, /containerTestAssets/ The volume and path names are user-defined and must be consistent. imageName:imageVersion Specifies the name of the image and its version to run. cmdline Specifies the existing command-line arguments to define the following details:- Location of the workspace
- Project name
- Test name
- Results file name
- Location of the exported logs
- Unified report format
- Location of the unified report
- Unified report file name
Run the following command to play back a Web UI test on the browsers such as
Chrome or Edge:
docker run -e HCL_LICENSING_URL=<URL> -e HCL_LICENSING_ID=<server_ID> -v hostTestAssets:/containerTestAssets -v hostImportedData:/containerImportedData -p <host_port>:<container_port> -e TEST_IMPORT_PATH=/containerTestAssets/ imageName:imageVersion cmdline -workspace/containerImportedData/workspace -project projectName -suite TestSuiteName -acceptLicense "name=<browser_name>" -results autoResults -stdout -exportlog /containerImportedData/testlog.txt -exportReport "type=unified;format=<html, xml, or pdf>;folder=runData;filename=report"
For example,
Where, 7878 is the recommended host port and 7080 is the recommended container port.docker run -e HCL_LICENSING_URL= -e HCL_LICENSING_ID=MYLICENSEID -v C:\dockertests\Test:/test -v C:\dockertests\Test:/runData -p 7878:7080 -e TEST_IMPORT_PATH=/test/ hcl-devops-test-workbench:11.0.0 cmdline -workspace /runData/sandbox1 -project sf -suite test.testsuite -acceptLicense "name=google-chrome" -results autoResults -stdout -exportlog /runData/logs/WebUItestlog.txt -exportReport "type=unified;format=pdf;folder=/runData/logs/Exportedreport1051;filename=testreport"
Run the following command to view the unified report:
docker run -e HCL_LICENSING_URL=<URL> -e HCL_LICENSING_ID=<server_ID> -v hostTestAssets:/containerTestAssets -v hostImportedData:/containerImportedData -p <host_port>:<container_port> -e TEST_IMPORT_PATH=/containerTestAssets/ imageName:imageVersion cmdline -workspace/containerImportedData/workspace -project projectName -suite TestSuiteName -results autoResults -stdout -exportlog /containerImportedData/testlog.txt -exportReport "type=unified;format=<html, xml, or pdf>;folder=runData;filename=report"
For example,
Where, 7878 is the recommended host port and 7080 is the recommended container port.docker run -e HCL_LICENSING_URL= -e HCL_LICENSING_ID=670FY8CFUK1Z -v C:\dockertests\Test:/test -v C:\dockertests\Test:/runData -p 7878:7080 -e TEST_IMPORT_PATH=/test/ hcl-devops-test-workbench:11.0.0 cmdline -workspace /runData/sandbox1 -project sf -suite test.testsuite -results autoResults -stdout -exportlog /runData/logs/WebUItestlog.txt -exportReport "type=unified;format=pdf;folder=/runData/logs/Exportedreport1051;filename=testreport"
Sample command output on console:INFO: License status: OK Info : WebdriverUtils - findDownloadDirPath - downloadDrivePath set to /etc/opt/HCL/DTUI/configuration getValue:autoResults_1676021430617.stats Persistance File : autoResults_1676021430617.stats To view the report for the duration of the execution, please open in a browser. Please open a desktop client to view the report after playback is completed.
You can view the live report by using the URL displayed in the command output on console. For example,