Google Chrome browser support

With HCL DevOps Test UI (Test UI), you can test HTML applications that are loaded in the Google Chrome browser in Microsoft Windows environments.

You can test HTML applications that contain HTML controls. You can also perform the following actions:
  • Test HTML applications that are loaded in multiple browser windows or embedded frames and inline frames, with varying zoom levels
  • Record a functional test script in a Microsoft® Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox browser and play it back in a Google Chrome browser, provided that the Document Object Model (DOM) is compatible with the Google Chrome browser.
  • Record a functional test script in a Google Chrome browser and play it back in a Mozilla Firefox browser, provided that the Document Object Model (DOM) is compatible with the other browsers.
  • Use the manual scripting find() method while testing applications in a Google Chrome browser. To use the manual scripting find() method, a browser instance is required. The browser instance is returned only after the document is completely loaded and not when the browser starts.

Support for functional testing in the Google Chrome browser is version independent, so you can test HTML applications in any version of a Google Chrome browser.

The Test UI Google Chrome™ extension

To perform functional testing in the Google Chrome browser, an extension is required to be added to the browser that enables communication between Test UI and the Google Chrome browser through a web server. This extension, known as HCL DevOps Test UI for Google Chrome™, is available with your Test UI installation. Alternatively, it is also available on the Google Chrome web store. To test applications loaded in Google Chrome, you must enable the browser.

Prerequisites for functional testing in the Google Chrome browser

Before you use Test UI to test applications on the Google Chrome browser, complete these procedures:
  1. In the Google Chrome browser settings, ensure that extensions are allowed, and that both Java and JavaScript are also allowed. Do not change the default browser settings.
  2. Enable the browser manually for functional testing. To do this, complete one of the following steps:
    • Enable the browser manually from the Enable Environments dialog in Test UI. The browser opens and you are prompted to add the HCL DevOps Test UI for Google Chrome extension to the browser. For instructions to enable the Google Chrome browser manually, see the related task named Enabling the Google Chrome browser.
    • Add the HCL DevOps Test UI for Google Chrome extension to the browser from the web store. Verify that the browser is enabled by using the Enable Environments dialog in Test UI. For instructions to add the extension from the web store, see the related task named Adding the extension HCL DevOps Test UI for Google Chrome. Ensure that you have an Internet connection to access the extension from the Google Chrome web store.
  3. The default web server port for communication between Google Chrome and Test UI is set on the Webserver Configuration page in the Preferences dialog, as well as in the options for the HCL DevOps Test UI for Google Chrome extension. If this default port number is in use, you must specify an available port. Ensure that you specify the same port in both the Preferences dialog as well as in the options for the extension.
  4. Ensure that you start Test UI before you start the application-under-test (AUT) in the Google Chrome browser. After you start Test UI, open the AUT by completing one of the following steps:
    • Configure the AUT in the Application Configuration Tool in Test UI and start the application from there. Alternatively, you can start the AUT at the time of recording by using the Start Application icon on the recording toolbar.
    • To start the Google Chrome browser independent of Test UI, append -allow-outdated-plugins -allow-file-access-from-files -always-authorize-plugins to the Google Chrome shortcut, and then start the browser.

Points to remember while testing in the Google Chrome browser

  • Record an action on an application page only after the document has loaded completely.
  • Ensure that you start the browser only after you start either Test UI or the recording monitor.
  • To record and play back on local files that can be opened in a Google Chrome browser, ensure that you select the Allow access to file URLs check box in the extensionHCL DevOps Test UI for Google Chrome™.

Troubleshooting functional tests in the Google Chrome browser

For useful information that will help you troubleshoot problems you face while testing in the Google Chrome browser, see Troubleshooting functional tests in the Google Chrome browser.or

Current limitations in Google Chrome testing:
  • Recording on the Back and Forward buttons in the browser are not supported. Use browser-level back() and forward() APIs to play back these actions.
  • When you record a script, actions on controls in dialogs are recorded as click(atPoint()) relative to the dialog. You can also use keystrokes to record on dialog controls.
  • Playback of actions on combo box drop-down controls is not supported. To play back these actions, modify the script manually and specify the option that must be selected during playback.
  • The browser-level deletecookies() API is not supported. Cookies must be deleted manually.
  • Recording on tabs is not supported.
  • Recording and playback is not supported in the Google Chrome browser in cases where the browser is started with a blank home page, that is, without a home URL.