.NET support

HCL DevOps Test UI (Test UI) supports recording and playing back user applications that are built with the Microsoft .NET Framework.

Testing .NET 3.5 applications: Supported controls

Test UI supports testing .NET 3.5 applications that contain these Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) controls:
  • Layout:
    • BulletDecorator
    • Canvas
    • DockPanel
    • Expander
    • Grid
    • GridSplitter
    • GroupBox
    • Panel
    • ScrollBar
    • ScrollViewer
    • StackPanel
    • Thumb
    • ViewBox
    • Window
  • Buttons
    • Button
    • RepeatButton
  • Menus
    • ContextMenu
    • Menu
    • ToolBar
  • Selection
    • CheckBox
    • ComboBox
    • ListBox
    • ListView
    • TreeView
    • RadioButton
    • Slider
  • Navigation
    • NavigationWindow
    • TabControl
  • User Information
    • Label
    • PopUp
    • ProgressBar
    • StatusBar
    • TextBlock
  • Documents
    • DocumentViewer
    • FlowDocumentPageViewer
    • FlowDocumentScrollViewer
  • Input
    • TextBox
    • RichTextBox
    • PasswordBox
  • Media
    • Image
  • Digital Ink
    • InkCanvas

Testing .NET 4.0 applications: Supported controls

In addition to the supported controls for .NET 3.0 and 3.5 applications, Test UI supports testing .NET 4.0 applications that contain these Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) controls:
  • Data display
    • DataGrid
  • Date display and selection
    • Calendar
    • DatePicker

Testing .NET 4.5 applications: Supported controls

In addition to the supported controls for .NET 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 applications, Test UI supports testing .NET 4.5 applications that contain these Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) controls:
Note: Recording actions on the drop-down list of a RibbonFilterMenu is not supported.
  • Ribbon controls provided by the System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon namespace:
    • System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.RibbonApplicationMenu
    • System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.RibbonApplicationMenuItem
    • System.Windows.Controls.RibbonApplicationSplitMenuItem
    • System.Windows.Controls.RibbonButton
    • System.Windows.Controls.RibbonCheckBox
    • System.Windows.Controls.RibbonComboBox
    • System.Windows.Controls.RibbonContextMenu
    • System.Windows.Controls.RibbonMenuButton
    • System.Windows.Controls.RibbonMenuItem
    • System.Windows.Controls.RibbonQuickAccessToolBar
    • System.Windows.Controls.RibbonRadioButton
    • System.Windows.Controls.RibbonSplitButton
    • System.Windows.Controls.RibbonSplitMenuItem
    • System.Windows.Controls.RibbonTab
    • System.Windows.Controls.RibbonTabHeader
    • System.Windows.Controls.RibbonTextBox
    • System.Windows.Controls.RibbonToggleButton
    • System.Windows.Controls.RibbonToolTip
    • System.Windows.Controls.RibbonWindow

Test UI supports testing .NET 4.0 and 4.5 applications hosting side by side CLRs.

Testing .NET 4.5.1 applications

The Microsoft .NET 4.5.1 Framework does not offer any new UI controls. However, Test UI continues to support all the controls (listed as supported so far) contained in the .NET 4.5.1 applications.