Adding manual sleep timers

When the host application moves from window to window, the transition is not instantaneous. Therefore, any input that needs to be sent to the host, such as typing text, pressing host aid keys, or testing verification points, needs to wait for the host window to become ready to receive input. Extension for Terminal-based Applications can be used to figure out the readiness of host screen for input.


Manually add sleep timers in the script where the host is making the transition from one window to the next before you play back a script. Insert the following command into the script:
        // add sleep timers during slow screen transitions
This command makes the playback pause for 5 seconds before moving to the next line in the script.
Add a sleep statement in the script to avoid the timeout of a synchronization algorithm before the page is actually loaded. Insert the following into the script:
This prevents Test UI from sending keystrokes to the application before the application is ready to receive them.
Important: Choose a sleep time that is appropriate for your connection. A sleep time that is set too short might cause problems when playing back scripts, because Extension for Terminal-based Applications might try to send commands to the host before it is ready to receive them or might try to check a verification point before the window has finished its transition. A sleep time that is set too long can affect performance.