Disabling enhanced log results

Logged events such as verification point failures, script exceptions, object recognition warnings, and other additional playback information are displayed in the playback log results. From HCL DevOps Test UI (Test UI) version 8.2 and later, the results of the getProperty() command are also displayed in the log results. If you do not require the log event to be displayed in the playback log, you can disable the event in the log results.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have access to modify the ivory.properties file.

About this task

To disable the getProperty() log event, you must modify the ivory.properties file.


  1. Open the ivory.properties file available in the <installation_folder>\bin\ directory.
  2. Add the following line of code at the end of the file contents:rational.test.ft.log.enhanced=false
    Note: To enable the getProperty() log event again, set rational.test.ft.log.enhanced=true.