What's New

You can find information about the features introduced, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL DevOps Test UI (Test UI). You can also find the features that were introduced in previous versions of Test UI. DevOps Test UI is the new name of HCL OneTest UI from 11.0.0 onwards.

What's new in DevOps Test UI 2024.03 (11.0.1)

The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in Test UI:
Feature title Description
Creation of hotspots in the enhanced design editor You can now create hotspots to navigate to the design image that is next in sequence when you record a test from the Virtual Client window. To create a hotspot, you can use any of the controls on an uploaded image on the design editor page.
Support for MacOS Sonoma 14.x You can now install DevOps Test UI on MacOS Sonoma 14.x operating systems by using Installation Manager and run tests.
Support to run UI tests through an agent in the disconnected mode You can now run UI tests through an agent in the disconnected mode when you use the Jenkins, UCD, or Azure plugin. The test execution continues in the background even when the screen is locked, or the agent is disconnected.

You can find information about the features introduced in the previous versions of Test UI in the following sections.

What's new in 11.0.0

The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in Test UI:
Feature title Description
Renaming of OneTest products
The following OneTest products have new names starting from 11.0.0:
  • HCL OneTest UI is now HCL DevOps Test UI.
  • HCL OneTest API is now HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs.
  • HCL OneTest Performance is now HCL DevOps Test Performance.
  • HCL OneTest Server is now HCL DevOps Test Hub.
  • HCL® Quality Server is now HCL DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel.
  • HCL® OneTest Embedded is now HCL DevOps Test Embedded.
  • HCL OneTest Virtualization is now HCL DevOps Test Virtualization.
  • HCL OneTest Studio is now HCL DevOps Test Workbench.
Release of new browser extensions on Chrome Web Store DevOps Test UI – Web UI and DevOps Test UI – Functional Test browser extensions for DevOps Test UI are now available in the Chrome Web Store. See Enabling Google Chrome for Web UI testing and Adding the Google Chrome extension from the Chrome Web store.
Changes to the Licensing environment variables With the renaming of HCL OneTest Products to HCL DevOps Test Products in 11.0.0, the HCL Licensing environment variables that contained ONETEST are changed to be used without ONETEST. For example, the HCL_ONETEST_LICENSING_URL environment variable now must be called HCL_LICENSING_URL. Note that the old environment variable names are still supported, but can be overridden by the new ones.
Support for design Driven Testing DevOps Test UI is now enhanced with the capability to record Web UI tests by using design driven testing (DDT). DDT is a dynamic feature that leverages machine learning capabilities to create tests by using the designs of web applications under development. You can upload wireframe images of web applications that are available in the early stages of development and record tests. After the web application is deployed and available to run tests, you can play back the tests and update them with the actual screen captures through guided healing.

See Creation of design driven tests.

Upgrade of UI Test Agent You can now use UI Test Agent that is upgraded with Appium 2.0 in the Linux and Windows systems.
Display of dynamic SAP screen names in the Unified report Now, the unified report displays the substituted page title of the SAP application that is dynamically replaced by using a variable substitution. See SAP test details.

What's new in 10.5.4

Feature title Description
Support for Chrome and Edge browsers in the Docker container

HCL OneTest UI now provides support for running tests by using the Chrome and Edge browsers that are bundled with the product offering in a Docker container. You must accept the license terms for usage by using the acceptLicense parameter when you run a test on these browsers in the Docker container. See Running tests in a containerized workbench.

Support for deletion of pre-existing cursors

You can now delete the existing cursor from the previous test run of a functional test that uses the getServerDatasetCursor API. You can use the CursorClient.deleteCursor(String datasetId, String cursorId); method to delete an existing cursor. See Java API help.

Support to override the project specified for BrowserStack and BitBar clouds
Support for verifying read-only controls

You can now verify whether the value of a read-only control in the Web UI test is modified or not by running the test. The test step of the read-only control fails if its value is modified.

What's new in 10.5.3

Feature title Description
Customizing names of exported statistical reports

You can now specify a pattern that defines the file names of the exported statistical reports when you run tests from the command line. See Configuration of test runs from the command line.

Support for BrowserStack Cloud
Support for MacOS Ventura 13.x

You can now install HCL OneTest UI by using Installation Manager on MacOS Ventura 13.x operating systems and run tests.

Support for Revenera 2022.12

With Revenera 2018.02 (LLS 1.0) reaching EOS, you can now use Revenera 2022.12 (LLS 3.0) as a local license server to host licenses for HCL OneTest UI.

Support to control test runs for error handling

A new error condition Test Verdict Failed is added to Error handling to manage the test when the overall verdict of the test is failed. The error condition can control the behavior of the test and can contribute to the health of the test. See Error conditions.

Support to run functional tests with JavaScript dialogs recorded on Internet Explorer

You can now play back functional test steps with JavaScript dialogs that were recorded on Internet Explorer by using the Web UI engine on the supported browsers.

Also, you can write the functional test scripts to test JavaScript dialogs by using the find API function. See Dynamic Find() API for JavaScript dialogs.

What's new in 10.5.2

Feature title Description
Automatic selection of the Web UI engine to run functional test scripts

HCL OneTest UI now automatically selects the Web UI engine as a default feature when you play back functional test scripts. The Play back with Web UI Extension and Play back with Web UI Action checkboxes in Window > Preferences > Functional Test > Playback are selected as default options after you install or reinstall HCL OneTest UI. See Playback of test scripts for HTML applications by using the Web UI engine.

Enhancement to an IF condition comparison

HCL OneTest UI is now enhanced to perform a digit comparison when you apply an IF condition to a test. If the digit comparison in the IF condition is successful, the result is displayed as true. Otherwise, it is displayed as false. See Adding conditional logic to tests.

Enhancement to the command line option

Previously, to run all the test assets from the specified folder path, you created a batch file and ran the test from the command line. The command line option is now enhanced so that you can run multiple test assets at a time by using the wildcard character * enclosed in quotes. You can use * in different combinations to specify any or all test assets that are in a folder. See Running multiple tests from the command line and Configuration of test runs from the command line.

Enhancements to the Details panel of unified reports

You can now view the profile name and clear cache and clear history values in the Start application section of the Details panel in the unified reports after the test playback. You can now also view the delete cookies information as a step in the Details panel. This enhancement is applicable for the playback with the Web UI engine for HTML applications. See Unified reports.

Support to add the drag-and-drop action in Web UI tests

You can now edit the test steps to add the drag-and-drop action for UI elements in the Web UI tests. See Adding the drag-and-drop action in a Web UI test.

Support to add user actions that use the keyboard shortcuts

You can now add text-related user actions that use the combination of special keys such as SHIFT or CTRL along with other keys in the functional tests that are run by using the Web UI engine.

Support to check if Javascript dialogs exist on a web page

You can now add test steps to check if any dialog such as alert, confirm, or prompt is present on a web page, and then choose to report the test step as Pass. If you choose to report the test step as Pass, the test moves successfully to the next step, although the dialog does not exist. You can view the unified report to read the message that is logged regarding the presence of the dialog. See Creating verification points for alert, confirm, or prompt dialogs.

Support to use the Exist property on Web UI tests

By enabling the Verify and Retry options, you can now use the Exist property for a control, so that if the control takes longer than the expected time to appear or disappear on the AUT during the test playback, then HCL OneTest UI can wait until the control appears or disappears to perform actions.

Additionally, you can now assign the Exist property to a variable in the test, and you can use conditional statements if you want to perform certain actions on the AUT depending on the presence or absence of the control. See Creating verification points for objects in tests and Assigning a test variable to an object property.

Using regular expressions to assign dynamic values to variables

You can now extract a substring from the content of an object's property by using a regular expression and then assign the substring to a variable. You can view the variable value in the unified report. See Assigning a test variable to an object property.

What's new in 10.5.1

Feature title Description
Configuration of a global delay for test steps

You can now configure a global delay in milliseconds for all the recorded steps in Web UI, Windows, and mobile tests either from the Preferences page or the Run configuration wizard. When you configure the delay, during play back, each step starts after the configured delay time is passed. See Setting a global delay for test steps and Running a Web UI test.

Custom log messages in unified reports

You can now insert custom log messages in the test scripts of Web UI, Windows, and mobile tests. HCL OneTest UI displays these messages in the unified report after the test run.

You can also substitute the text in custom log messages by using a variable or dataset. During the playback, the value of the variable or dataset replaces the text marked for substitution.

See Inserting a custom log message into a UI test script.

Enhancement in the unified report to view the details of verification point
You can now view the details of verification points in the unified report. You can also filter the test results in the Details pane to display any of the following:
  • All the test steps
  • Passed steps
  • Failed steps
  • Passed verification points
  • Failed verification points

See Unified reports.

Enhancements to the driver download process

HCL OneTest UI provides a download link to download the correct version of the driver if the browser driver is incompatible when you record or run a test. After you click the download link, now, you can also view the progress bar and relevant messages that indicate the result of the driver download process.

See Running a Web UI test and the topics under Recording a Web UI test.

Support to add user actions that use the navigation and special keys
You can now add user actions that use the following keys in your test scripts:
  • Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Page Up, Page Down, Home, End, and Function (F1-F12) keys in the functional tests by using the Web UI engine.
  • Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Home, and End keys in the Web UI tests.

See Simulating keyboards and special keys actions on Web and native application windows and Supported keyboard actions.

What's new in 10.5.0

Feature title Description
API support for updating datasets

HCL OneTest UI now supports getValue and setValue APIs for updating datasets. 

Enhanced browser extension for Google Chrome browser

The HCL OneTest UI extension for Google Chrome browser now supports Manifest V3.

Enhancements to the Jenkins plugin

You can now define the build parameters during the configuration of either Freestyle or Pipeline projects in Jenkins. You can then use those build parameters to run the Jenkins job. See Build parameters for Jenkins and Build parameters for Jenkins.

Provision to pass specific arguments to web browsers

You can now specify and pass arguments to the web browser before HCL OneTest UI opens the browser to record or play back Web UI tests.

See Running a Web UI test, Running tests by using the browser launch arguments from the command line, Creation of Web UI tests, and Recording a Web UI test.

Support to capture the user actions on UI controls of multiple windows

Previously, during the recording of functional test scripts, if an HTML test application had UI controls and the controls opened a new window, HCL OneTest UI was unable to capture the user actions on UI controls performed on the new window.

Now, HCL OneTest UI correctly captures the actions that are performed on multiple windows. The captured actions on multiple windows are correctly displayed during the playback.

See Creating a simplified test script.

Support to customize PDFs exported from unified reports
You can now customize the appearance of PDFs that you can export from the unified reports for functional, web, mobile, or windows tests. You can perform the following customizations in the exported PDFs:
  • Highlight only the verification points in test steps and exclude details displayed in tables for all test steps.
  • Increase the size of screen captures that are displayed.
  • Exclude screen captures of specific SAP GUI test steps.

See Customizing PDF files exported from unified reports, Removing customization of PDF files exported from unified reports, Prerequisites to export unified reports as a PDF, and Configuration of test runs from the command line.

Support to modify regular expressions for SAP Object Identifier

You can now modify the identifier of an SAP script object by updating the regular expression in the SAP GUI Object Information section. See SAP set details

Support to record Web UI tests in Apple Safari 15 on macOS

HCL OneTest UI now supports the recording of Web UI tests in Apple Safari 15 on macOS.

See Enabling Apple Safari for Web UI tests on macOS.

Support to run tests or resources as a GitHub Action

You can now run tests or resources that are contained in your project in HCL OneTest UI as a GitHub Action from a Git repository.

See Configuration of test runs as a GitHub Actions Workflow in the UI Test perspective and Configuration of test runs as a GitHub Actions Workflow in the Functional Test perspective.

Support to show or hide SAP GUI during the test runtime

You can now change the behavior of the display of SAP GUI during the test run time irrespective of preferences that you configured in GUI on execution section. See Changing SAP test generation preferences.

What's new in 10.2.3

Feature title Description
Support to record and play back Web UI tests in the private mode of web browsers

You can now record and play back Web UI tests in the private mode of web browsers such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Opera.

See Recording a Web UI test and Running tests in the private or incognito mode.

You can also use the command line to run tests in the private mode. See Running Web UI tests in the private mode from the command line.

Support to run an AFT Suite on mobile clouds

You can now run an AFT Suite that contains mobile tests on mobile devices that are connected to the mobile clouds. You can also run an AFT Suite to run the mobile tests simultaneously on devices that are connected to multiple mobile cloud platforms.

See Accelerated Functional Tests and Configuration of AFT Suite runs.

Recording UI tests of web applications that are enabled with Content Security Policy

You can now record UI tests in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge for web applications that are enabled with Content Security Policy.

Resource monitoring of mobile devices and applications
You can now use HCL OneTest UI to capture resource monitoring metrics of Android applications, devices, or emulators, or iOS applications or devices. You can enable HCL OneTest UI to capture the resource monitoring metrics when the following types of tests are run:
  • Single mobile test run on a single device.

  • Single mobile test run on multiple devices in parallel.

  • Single mobile test run on a single device from the command line.

  • Compound tests with multiple mobile tests or at least one mobile test run on a single device.

See Running mobile tests for iOS mobile applications and UI Test Statistical report.

Conversion of unassociated datapools to datasets in FT projects

Previously, the shared but unassociated datapools from functional test projects, which were created in the older version of HCL OneTest UI, did not display in the workbench after you opened the projects in the newer version. Now, such datapools are converted and displayed as datasets in your project.

Healing Web UI tests through the command line

You can now enable the self-healing feature when you run Web UI tests or compound tests from the command line. HCL OneTest UI identifies UI changes in the application under test and heals the test for a successful run. See Overview of guided healing and self-healing.

Exporting unified reports to multiple formats through the command line

Previously, you were able to export the unified report in any one supported format at a time from the command line.

You can now export unified reports for functional and Web UI tests in all the supported formats such as xml, pdf, and html simultaneously by using a single option from the command line. See Configuration of test runs from the command line.

Updated integration plugins for Web UI tests
You can now use the following additional options when you run Web UI tests by using the integration plugins:
Parameters Integration Plugins
Azure DevOps HCL® UrbanCode Deploy MicroFocus ALM Ant Jenkins Maven
Export stats format image of the tickmark. image of the tickmark. image of the tickmark. image of the tickmark. image of the tickmark.
Exportstatshtml image of the tickmark.
Import image of the tickmark. image of the tickmark. image of the tickmark. image of the tickmark.
Labels image of the tickmark. image of the tickmark. image of the tickmark.
Publish image of the tickmark. image of the tickmark. image of the tickmark. image of the tickmark. image of the tickmark.
Publish for image of the tickmark. image of the tickmark. image of the tickmark. image of the tickmark. image of the tickmark.
Publish Reports image of the tickmark. image of the tickmark. image of the tickmark. image of the tickmark. image of the tickmark.
For more information on parameters of the integration plugins, read the following topics:
Viewing test run results on the Azure test plans dashboard

When you use the HCL OneTest Studio Azure extension in Azure pipelines to run tests on HCL OneTest UI, you can view the test results on the Jobs page.

Additionally, you can now view the results of the test runs on the test plans dashboard by setting up test plans with test cases for your project in Azure. You must also provide details about the Azure server, your personal access token, the Azure project, the test case, and the test plan while you configure the test run for the test results to display on the test plans dashboard. See Running UI tests in an Azure DevOps Pipeline and Running functional tests in an Azure DevOps Pipeline.

What's new in 10.2.2

Feature title Description
Enhanced Jenkins plugins to run tests from a Jenkins pipeline project

The HCL OneTest UI Jenkins plugins are enhanced so that you can now run Web UI or traditional HTML tests as a job in a Jenkins Pipeline project.

You can also view the test results by using the Test Results Analyzer feature in Jenkins if you have installed the Test Results Analyzer plugin in Jenkins.

See Testing with Jenkins.

Monitoring the resource usage of mobile tests on Android devices

You can now use the UI Test Statistical report to monitor the resource usage of mobile tests on Android devices during the playback. The details such as battery consumption, physical memory consumption, and processor usage of both the application level and the device are collected and displayed in the UI Test Statistical report.

See Running mobile tests for Android mobile applications.

Support to run test assets without reusing the workspace in a repository

When you want to run test assets that are in any source control system such as git and you do not want to reuse the workspace in the repository, you can now run the tests from the command-line interface.

By using the -workspace argument along with the -import argument on the computer where you have installed HCL OneTest UI, you can run the Web UI tests in the project without the need to reuse the workspace from the remote repository. This method of running tests does not require the workspace that is committed to the repository or an existing local workspace. See Configuration of test runs from the command line.

Support to run Web UI tests in the headless mode by using Edge or Firefox

You can now run Web UI tests in the headless mode by using either Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox browsers. See Running tests in the headless mode.

Clearing browser cache

You can now use an option in HCL OneTest UI to clear the browser data when you play back Functional tests by using the Web UI extension for browsers such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Mozilla Firefox.

Support for pCloudy mobile cloud

You can now run Web UI and Mobile tests on Android or iOS devices that are connected to the pCloudy cloud testing platform. See Running Web UI tests on the pCloudy cloud or Playing back mobile tests on Android devices on pCloudy Cloud.

You can also use the command line to run tests on the pCloudy Cloud. See Running mobile tests for Android applications from the command-line.

The UI Test Agent runs automatically on the Linux and Mac operating systems

After you install the product on the Linux and Mac operating systems, the UI Test Agent runs automatically until you stop it manually.

The UI Test Agent provides the necessary prerequisites to test mobile applications on the Linux and Mac operating systems.

Support for Web UI tests in the Edge browser on the Linux operating system

You can now run Web UI tests and Functional HTML tests in the Edge browser on Linux. You can also record and playback Web UI tests.

Support to add labels from Ant

You can now add labels to test results when you run test assets from Ant by specifying a value for the labels parameter.

Bug Fixes

Fixed customer-reported and internally found defects.

What's new in 10.2.1

Feature title Description
The execution agent is now renamed as the UI Test Agent

The execution agent that was delivered along with the product in 10.2.0 is now renamed as the UI Test Agent.

On Windows computer, you can view the UI Test Agent in the system tray. You can start and stop the UI Test Agent from the system tray.

See Installing DevOps Test UI.

Support for testing web and Windows applications on dual monitors

Generally, you record and play back Web UI and Windows tests on your computer. Now, you can record and play back Web UI and Windows tests on dual monitors when you extend the display of your computer to a secondary monitor. See Windows tests and Web UI tests.

The unified report displays the icon of the application

Previously, the unified report displayed the details of the applications with a generic icon based on the application type. Now, the unified report displays the appropriate icon of the application under test for Web UI tests, mobile tests, and Windows tests instead of a generic icon. See Unified reports.

Support for recording Web UI tests directly in the Edge browser

Previously, you recorded Web UI tests in the Edge browser by using the Running browser instance option. Now, you can record Web UI tests directly in the Edge browser. When you select the Edge browser to record Web UI tests, HCL OneTest UI provides you with the option to resolve the browser driver incompatibility if there is a mismatch. See Recording a Web UI test.

Support for the playback of Web UI tests in Edge browsers for specific user profiles

You can now play back Web UI tests in the Edge browser for specific user profiles.

See Setting a specific browser profile for the playback.

Support for the playback of Functional HTML scripts on specific browser profiles

Previously, when you played back Functional HTML scripts in any of browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge by using the Web UI method, the playback started on the temporary profiles of the browsers.

Now, you can specify the user profiles for Google Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers on which you want to play back Functional HTML tests. If you do not set the user profile for the Chrome and Edge browsers, then the default profile is used to play back Functional HTML scripts. If you do not set the user profile for the Firefox browser , then the temporary profile is used to play back Functional HTML scripts.

See Setting a specific browser profile for the playback of functional HTML tests.

Bug Fixes

Fixed customer-reported and internally found defects.

What's new in 10.2.0

Feature title Description
General availability: Automated UI testing of Android and iOS applications

The automated UI testing feature of Android and iOS applications is now generally available. You can use this feature to test native and hybrid Android and iOS applications on Android and iOS devices, simulators, and emulators. See Mobile tests.

General availability: Automated UI testing of Windows desktop applications

The automated UI testing feature of Windows desktop application is now generally available. You can use this feature to test the Windows desktop applications and Add-ins in MS Office. See Windows tests.

Introducing the new execution agent as part of HCL OneTest UI for enhanced mobile and Windows testing

An execution agent is now delivered as part of HCL OneTest UI. You can use this execution agent to perform the automation testing of the Windows desktop applications, mobile web, hybrid applications on iOS and Android devices. During the installation of HCL OneTest UI, the execution agent is installed automatically. See Installing DevOps Test UI and Installing in the GUI mode on Windows systems.

Support to run parallel mobile tests in the AFT test suite

You can now run mobile tests in parallel when you specify the details of the mobile tests along with the devices in the AFT XML file. When you run the AFT test suite, these mobile tests are also run on the devices mentioned in the AFT XML file.

You can run AFT tests for mobile applications from the command-line also.

See Creating an AFT suite for mobile tests and Running mobile tests as an AFT suite.

Support to install and use the product in different languages

You can now use the stand-alone installer and the product in your preferred language. You can select the preferred language for the stand-alone installer and the product by selecting the language during the installation of the product.

Support for exporting unified reports from the command-line

When you play back Web UI tests from the command-line interface, you can now export the unified report that is generated for those Web UI tests to different formats such as PDF, HTML, and XML (JUnit). See Configuration of test runs from the command line.

Support for adding a new icon or changing the existing icon of the configured applications

You can either add an icon of your choice while configuring the application or change an existing icon of the configured applications in the common web interface. See Configuring applications for tests.

Support for recording Functional and Web UI tests in the Microsoft Edge browser

Earlier, you recorded tests in other browsers and played back in the Edge browser. Now, you can record tests by using the Edge browser for both Functional and Web UI tests. The Web UI tests can be recorded by using the Running browser instance option. See Enabling Microsoft Edge to test HTML applications and Enabling Microsoft Edge for Web UI testing.

Support to record and play back Functional tests by using the Microsoft Edge browser in the Visual Studio IDE

You can now record and play back Functional tests by using the Microsoft Edge browser in the Visual Studio IDE. See Enabling Microsoft Edge to test HTML applications and Running a script from the Microsoft Edge browser.

Bug Fixes

Fixed customer-reported and internally found defects.

What's new in 10.1.3

Feature title Description
Install HCL OneTest UI in the Visual Studio IDE by using the stand-alone installer

You can now install HCL OneTest UI by using the stand-alone installer in the Visual Studio IDE, and then integrate HCL OneTest UI with Visual Studio to use the product in the Visual Studio IDE. See Installing in Visual Studio IDE.

Enhancements to application configuration for tests
  • You can now modify or substitute the details of the Android, iOS, and desktop applications along with the web applications. For example, you can substitute values for the Working Directory field in the configured application which might take multiple values based on the directory path of the agent computer on which you run tests.
  • You can synchronize these changes made to the configured applications from the test suites in the workbench to the primary application and other tests.
See Synchronizing changes of the configured applications.
Support to test SAP 7.60 for Windows

You can now record and play back SAP tests for SAP GUI for Windows 7.60.

Support to set browser profiles from the Browser tab

You can now set the browser profiles for browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox, and Opera, which are used to run Web UI tests, from the Browser tab under the Preferences menu. See Clearing cache, cookies, and history of browsers.

Support to clear the browser data in the Opera browser

You can now clear the cache, cookies, and history of the Opera browser before the test is played back on Windows, Linux, and macOS computers. See Clearing cache, cookies, and history of browsers.

Enhancements to address the browser incompatibilities
The browser and driver compatibility issues can now be resolved either from your computer or through an agent computer by using browsers such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Opera while you play back the following tests:
Enhancements to Unified reports

You can now export the unified report to the JUnit format. See Exporting unified reports.

Enhancements in testing the Windows desktop applications : Tech Preview
  • You can now test Add-ins that are integrated with the Microsoft office applications such as MS Access, MS Word, MS Outlook, and MS Powerpoint. See Testing Windows desktop applications.

  • You can now play back on the list controls that needs a scroll action in an effective and faster manner. See Running a Windows test.

What's new in 10.1.2

Feature title Description

You can now quickly add your comments to provide your feedback about the documentation for HCL OneTest UI by posting to a product forum. To add your comments as feedback, you must first register at HCL Support. Your login information along with your comments are governed by the privacy policy of HCL. By commenting, you accept the terms of use of HCL.

Support for SAP installation

You can select SAP extension when you install HCL OneTest UI on Windows 64-bit operating systems.

Support to optimize browser performance on the Mac operating system

You can now optimize the performance of browsers that are used to play back Web UI tests on computers that are run on Mac operating systems also. See Clearing cache, cookies, and history of browsers.

Common web interface to configure applications

You can configure and manage the web, Android, iOS, and Windows desktop applications, which are used to record and play back the tests, by using a common web interface in HCL OneTest UI. You can also substitute the texts in the URL of the web applications that you configured so that you can apply the changes to all tests that use the same application URL. See Configuring applications for tests.

Enhancements to Unified reports
  • From the unified report, you can now navigate to workbench to view a specific test or test step in a single click.
  • You can now export the unified report to the PDF format.
  • The unified report is now the default report when you publish test results to Engineering Test Management.
  • The Extended menu and properties verification points are enhanced in the unified report.
See Unified reports
Access to the dataset from custom code

You can now access the dataset from the custom code. When you have a test that is associated with a dataset, you can view the dataset values or modify the dataset values from the custom code. See Reading and writing data from a dataset.

Address the browser compatibility issues automatically

When you record Web UI tests by using the Google Chrome browser or play back Web UI tests by using the Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Opera browsers and if the browser version is incompatible, HCL OneTest UI now provides you a link to install the appropriate updates required for the browser. This option is also available when you play back the tests from the command-line.

Support for Mozilla FireFox V68.9 ESR browser in Docker

You can now use the Mozilla Firefox browser V68.9 ESR, which is packaged along with the Docker images, to run compound tests, AFT suites, or a single Web UI tests in the Docker environment.

Technical Preview: Support for testing the iOS applications

You can now record and play back mobile tests on iOS devices and simulators on computers that run on Mac operating systems. You can also play back mobile tests on iOS devices and simulators connected to BitBar Cloud, Perfecto Mobile cloud, and remote computers that run on the Appium server. See Testing iOS applications.

Technical Preview: Support for testing the Windows desktop applications

You can now record and playback on multiple windows including dialogs that are launched from the Windows applications. See Testing Windows desktop applications.

What's new in 10.1.1

Feature title Description
HCL Launch integration

You can now integrate HCL OneTest UI with HCL Launch by using the HCL OneTest UI Launch plugin to run tests. See Testing with HCL DevOps Deploy.

Browser performance optimization

You can optimize the performance of certain browsers that are used to play back Web UI tests. To optimize the browser performance, Rational Functional Tester provides an option to automatically clear the browser data before the playback is started. See Clearing cache, cookies, and history of browsers.

Microsoft Edge browser support for functional tests

You can now use the Microsoft Edge (based on Chromium) browser to play back the functional test scripts for testing the HTML applications.

Deprecation of Mobile and Web UI report

You can no longer generate Mobile and Web UI reports for the playing back Web UI tests from the desktop version of HCL OneTest UI. However, you can still generate the Mobile and Web UI reports for the playing back Web UI tests from the command-line using the -vmargs argument. See Configuration of test runs from the command line.

Enhancements to Unified Reports
  • You can now use a new, advanced prompt box to publish Unified Reports to HCL OneTest Server. See Publishing test result to DevOps Test Hub.
  • You can now use the resize icon in the Details pane of Unified Report to view test steps with truncated description. See Unified reports.
  • You can use the Export option in the unified report to export the report as a compressed file. The compressed file contains the unified report in an HTML format. See Unified reports.
  • You can use the -exportlog parameter to export the test result as a unified report when you play back the test script from the command line. See Command line interface.
Technical preview: Enhancements to automating UI testing of Android applications
Technical Preview: Support for Windows desktop application testing

Testing of traditional Windows desktop applications can be performed by using this technical preview feature. You can configure the windows applications to record and playback tests. As a technical preview, this is subject to change in future releases based on the user feedback on the capability. This feature should not be considered ‘Production’ at this point and does not implement any licensing. User feedback is encouraged during this technical preview. See Testing Windows desktop applications.

What's new in 10.1.0

Feature title Description
Unified Report

The experimental unified report for Web UI tests is replaced by the new and enhanced unified report. This report has a live reporting feature and is available to Functional, Web UI and Compound tests, and Accelerated Functional Test (AFT) suites. The report provides a detailed overview of your test results and has an extensive user interface to analyse and filter your test result details. You can also a generate a unified report for SAP tests that are run by using the Rational Performance Tester SAP extension. See Unified reports.

Microsoft Azure DevOps integration

You can now integrate HCL OneTest UI with Azure DevOps by using the HCL OneTest Studio extension to run tests as tasks in Azure DevOps pipelines. See Running tests.

Enhancement to image validation

Now, you can define the image property as an identifier while recording the Web UI tests or while playing back the Web UI tests. The image identifier validates the images and user interface elements in the application under test. You can also enable the guided healing feature for the Web UI tests that are identified by using the image property. See Validating images and user interface elements by using the image property.

Support to extend application URL with substitutions in a Web UI test

Now, you can substitute your application URL in a Web UI test by using data sources and then extend the application URL to other Web UI tests. See Extension of application URL in Web UI tests.

Enhancements to restrict test scripts with start application
Support for SAP test

The SAP extension is available for 32-bit HCL OneTest UI. For more information about recording SAP tests, see Recording SAP tests.

Updates to Dataset CSV Editor

The browser-based CSV Editor provides additional options that include Find and Replace, Undo, and Redo to organize your data in the dataset in a better way. See Editing datasets.

Enhancements to browsers for playback
  • You can use Microsoft Edge (based on Chromium) and Opera browsers to play back your Web UI tests on Mac operating system.
  • You can play back Functional HTML test scripts in multiple windows of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers. See Multiwindow support for functional HTML tests.
Enhancement to mobile recording and playback

You can use this technical preview feature to record actions that you perform on native and hybrid applications in Android mobile devices. You can connect your emulators and mobile devices to your computer and then record the user interface actions such as tap, swipe and so on and hardware actions such screen lock, back button and so on. The actions are performed by using a virtual client of your mobile device.