- Service testing guidelines
Before you can test a service, you must set up your test environment and incorporate these guidelines in order to produce reliable tests.
- Verifying WSDL syntax compliance for JMS services
Various Java™ Message Service (JMS) providers vary in the syntax used for describing services. Before testing JMS services, you must ensure that Web Services Description Language (WSDL) files comply with the requirements of the tool.
- Configuring the environment for SOAP security
SOAP security profiles require access to the libraries that implement encryption, signature, and other security algorithms that transform the XML messages before sending and after receiving them. You must prepare an environment with these libraries to use SOAP security, set the class path of the Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE) that Eclipse uses, and set the class path of the virtual machine that the Agent Controller uses.
- Recording a service test with the generic service client
You can record a service test by invoking service requests with the generic service client. After you have sent the requests and received the responses from the service, select the results in the History section of the generic service client to generate a test. If you do not have access to a dedicated client for the service calls, the generic service client is the easiest way to generate the calls and to record a test.
- Recording a service test through a client program
You can record tests for SOAP-based, XML, plain text, or binary services with any client program that uses the HTTP protocol. To record the test, the recorder intercepts the service calls and message returns between the client and the service. You can choose between an HTTP or SOCKS proxy recorder or a low-level socket recorder, depending on the capabilities of the client program.
- Preparing to record a test for the HTTP/2 service
To test a web service that is based on the HTTP/2 protocol, record a test by using the SOA extension of HCL DevOps Test Performance (Test Performance). Before recording the HTTP/2 service, follow the procedure in this topic to configure your computer.
- Creating a service test from a BPEL model
You can use Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) resources from your workspace to automatically generate a set of service tests that corresponds to the paths that are run in a synchronous BPEL model.
- Creating a service test manually
You can create a service test without recording by simply adding the test elements as required and manually editing the test element details in the test editor.
- Creating a service test for WebSphere MQ
You can create an IBM® WebSphere® MQ test by adding the test elements as required and editing the test element details in the test editor.
- Creating a service test for WebSphere Java MQ
To test Java-based applications, create a service test and add the WebSphere Java MQ messages. You can create a service test by using Generic Service Client option

or the New Service Test wizard

- Creating a service test for a plain XML call
You can create a test for a plain XML call over HTTP, JMS, or IBM® WebSphere® MQ, by simply adding the test elements as required and editing the test element details in the test editor.
- Changing service test generation preferences
You can change default test generation values by changing the preference settings. The default settings, however, are appropriate for recording in most cases.