Installing the plugin on the Jenkins primary server
You must install the DTPerf-Jenkins-HCL plugin to run performance test assets from the Jenkins server.
Before you begin
You must have completed the following tasks:
Verified that you have a Jenkins primary server and secondary server.
Downloaded the Test Performance from the My HCLSoftware (MHS) .
For more information about specific versions of plugin, see Integration plugin compatibility matrix.
Log in to the Jenkins server.
The Jenkins dashboard is displayed.
- Click Advanced tab. , and then click
- Click Choose File and then locate and open the Test PerformanceJenkins plugin.
Click Upload.
The DTPerf-Jenkins-HCL is displayed in the Installed tab.
Perform the following steps to provide Random TCP Ports for Java™ Network
Launch Protocol (JNLP) agents:
- Click Manage Jenkins from the Jenkins dashboard.
- Click Configure Global Security from the Security section.
- Click Random from the Agents section.
- Click Save to save and apply the changes.