Known issues

You can find the known issues that are identified, if any, in this version of HCL DevOps Test Performance (Test Performance). You can also find the known issues identified in the earlier versions of Test Performance. DevOps Test Performance is the new name of HCL OneTest Performance from 11.0.0 onwards.

Known issues in DevOps Test Performance 2024.12 (11.0.4)

No known issues are identified in this release.

Known issues from earlier versions

The known issues identified in the earlier versions of Test Performance that are still applicable are as follows:



Identified in version

Applicable in and until version


When you run the Test Performance asset by using pomCustomSurefireSample.xml with Apache Maven, the test fails with an error after you run the command mvn clean verify -f pomCustomSurefireSample.xml.



In the Test Editor panel, the Response Content field might intermittently appear empty on Windows system when the data size is between 30 KB and 40 KB. You can resolve the issue by restarting the application or by adding the following line to the configuration file located in




When you select the Load option from My Repository workspace for a component to load all the test assets available in the stream to be pushed to Engineering Workflow Management, the assets created by the other users fail to load and display an error message.




The single shell-shared package, DevOps-Test-UI-and-Performance-Windows-x86, is not available anymore. To install DevOps Test UI and DevOps Test Performance in the shell-shared mode on the 32-bit platform, you must use DevOps-Test-UI-Windows-x86 and DevOps-Test-Performance-Windows-x86 packages by using Installation Manager.



When you record a Citrix test by using the on-server or published application options on Citrix Workspace App 23.03, the recording fails with a client error. Citrix Workspace App 23.03 only supports recording by using Web Interface and ICA file options.



When you import projects from Git, tests run from the command line fail if you use wildcards to identify tests or if you use the option -testType.

The workaround for this limitation is that you can avoid using assets from Git. Alternatively, you can export or import test assets with dependencies into a different workspace.



You cannot use Git Actions to run tests when HCL OneTest Performance is installed on MacOS Ventura 13.




When you run HCL OneTest Performance on MacOS Ventura, the "Preferences" option in the Rational Performance Tester menu is displayed as "Settings".



When you install HCL OneTest Performance 10.5.1 or later on a Windows Server 2022 computer, and open the Web Analytics reports for editing, the icons are not displayed. To work around the problem, you can perform the following steps on browsers other than Internet Explorer:
  1. Open HCL OneTest Performance.
  2. Go to Window > Preferences.
  3. Select Test > Performance Reports
  4. Select In external browser" under Open Statistics Report.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Close the report and then double-click the result.
Perform the following steps in Internet Explorer:
  1. Enter Internet options in the start menu.
  2. Select Local Intranet in the Security tab.
  3. Click Sites.
  4. Type, and then click Add.
  5. Click Close, and then click OK.
  6. Restart HCL OneTest Performance.



When you start the HCL OneTest Performance adapter for IBM Rational Quality Manager as a Windows service, the schedule run fails with license errors.

To work around this problem, you must add the License Server ID and License Server URL as System Environment variables by performing the following steps:

  1. Right-click the Windows icon from the Windows taskbar, and then click System.
  2. Click Advanced system settings from the Related setting.
  3. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Environment Variables.
  4. Click New from the System variables.
  5. Enter HCL_ONETEST_LICENSING_URL in the Variable name.
  6. Enter the URL of the License Server in the Variable value.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click New from the System variables.
  9. Enter HCL_ONETEST_LICENSING_ID in the Variable name.
  10. Enter the ID of the License Server in the Variable value.
  11. Click OK.



When you install HCL OneTest Performance on Windows systems, and then open a performance test report by using an internal browser, the icons are not displayed in the performance report.

To work around this problem, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Close HCL OneTest Performance
  2. Open Internet Explorer.
  3. Click Settings - Internet options, and then select the Security tab.
  4. Select Internet from the Select a zone to view or change security settings pane.
  5. Click Custom level, and then choose Enable for Downloads - Font download.
  6. Click OK to accept the changes made to the security settings.
  7. Click Apply, and then click OK to save the changes.
  8. Close Internet Explorer.
  9. Open HCL OneTest Performance, and then access the performance test report.



The Browser tab in the Protocol Data pane does not display the recorded web pages when you perform the following tasks:

  • Install Rational Performance Tester on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
  • Highlight any page from the recorded test




When you want to install HCL OneTest UI, HCL OneTest API, or HCL OneTest Performance on Mac OS Big Sur (11.x), you must download all of the product offerings that are contained in the HCL OneTest Studio package to prevent installation errors.



When you use the double quotation marks ("") for the Labels or User comments options to run the test by using integration plugins, then the labels in the test result or the User Comments row of a report do not include the double quotation marks.The integration plugins that do not support double quotation marks ("") for the Labels or User comments options are as follows:
  • Ant
  • Azure DevOps
  • MicroFocus ALM
  • UrbanCode Deploy
  • Jenkins
  • Maven
To work around this problem, you must create a command-line config file, and then run the test by using the Configfile option.



When you use the double quotation marks ("") for the labels or usercomments parameters and then run tests from the command-line interface, the command-line interface does not accept values for these parameters.

To work around this problem, you must perform the following actions based on the operating system that you used to install HCL OneTest Performance:

On the Windows operating system:

1. Open the command-line interface.

2. Change the directory to a location that contains the CommandLine.exe file.

You can locate the directory in the following location:


3. Run the test by using valid parameters.

On Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems:

1. Create a command-line config file by using HCL OneTest Performance.

2. Run the test by using the -configfile parameter.



When you run the performance schedule by enabling Resource Monitoring sources, the quick view report shows the following issues:

  • The selected counter names in All Resources for the specific Resource Monitoring source are displayed correctly for the first time. However, when you refresh the quick view report or reopen the report, the names of the counters are displayed as TRANSLATE ME.
  • The Pie chart collates the names of the legends when you set the Show legend option to At the top side.

To work around this problem, you can perform the following steps:

  1. Select or clear any other counter from the left navigation pane so that the correct names of the counters are displayed in the Legend.
  2. Set the value of the Show legend option to other than At the top side or set the product preferences to open the report on the external browser by navigating to WindowPreferencesTestPerformance Test Reports.




When you playback a Citrix test asset with Citrix Receiver 4.11 or later, the test asset fails to run.To work around this problem, you must install Citrix Receiver 4.9.



If your computer restarts due to any reason, you might not be able to uninstall or open the product at times. To work around this problem, you must always clear the files from the Temp directory before you install or after you uninstall the product.

While performing the uninstallation, if your computer prompted for a restart, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Continue to proceed with the uninstallation of the product.
  2. Clear the files from the Temp directory.

In a scenario where you are unable to open the product due to your computer restart, then you can perform the following steps to do a fresh installation of the product:

  1. Clear the files from the Temp directory.
  2. Close all the processes that are related to the product.
  3. Delete the installation folder of the product.
  4. Perform the following steps to delete the Registry entry of the product:

    1. Press Windows + R.
    2. Enter regedit in the Open field, and then click OK.
    3. Locate one of the following key based on your product:

      1. HCL OneTest™ Performance - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\HCL OneTest™ Performance
      2. HCL OneTest™ Performance Agent - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\HCL OneTest™ Performance Agent
      3. Shell-shared installer - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\HCL OneTest™
    4. Right-click the entry to be deleted, and then click Delete.
    5. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
  5. Install the product.



If your application uses TLS1.1 or TLS1, then HCL OneTest Performance cannot record or run those test assets until you modify the file. This issue is because TLS 1.1 and TLS1 are not supported by Java.

To work around this problem, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to <location_of_the_product>\ IBM\SDP\jdk\jre\lib\security.
  2. Open the file in any of the text-editing programs to edit the content.
  3. Locate the following line of code: tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, RC4, DES, MD5withRSA
  4. Remove TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 from the code.
  5. Save the file.
  6. Restart HCL OneTest Performance



When you install the product by using the stand-alone installer on macOS Catalina 10.15.7, the product installation fails with an error message. To work around this problem, you must set the Appearance option to Light under System preference before you install the product.



When you use a calendar dialog box to select a value in an SAP transaction session and record the SAP test in your product, the Test Generation page and the Error Log page display a warning message.The warning message states that the SAP calendar object has an unpredictable behavior when you play back the test and you must set the date in the value fields by using the string format.Therefore, when you select the Hide GUI during the execution option from the SAP Options tab in the Test Details section to play back the SAP test, the product is unable to create a calendar object. Hence the test run fails.

To work around this problem, you must perform the following steps:
  1. Open the SAP test.
  2. Perform the following actions to set the calendar date in a text format:
    1. Expand an SAP transaction, and then expand the test element (For example, IDoc List/WE05) that has the calendar control data.
    2. Select Set focus on <date>.
    3. Right-click the date from SAP Protocol Data, and then click Create Element. The Create Element page is displayed.
    4. Select Set text, and then enter the date in the Input value text field.
    5. Click Finish.
  3. Right-click the calendar control (For example, Calendar/WE05), and then click Disable to disable the test elements that have the calendar control.
  4. Save the changes, and then run the test.



When you record an SAP test by selecting the Record from a running session started with the SAP logon option, then the schedule run fails with the following error message on the Test Log page or Execution Event Console log page:
Connection with the existing SAP GUI session or shortcut is not allowed during schedule

To work around this problem, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Record an SAP test that has a logon session.
  2. Place the transaction session that you created by using the Record from a running session started with the SAP Logon option.
  3. Record an SAP test that has the logoff session.
  4. Save and run the schedule to verify the transaction details.
Note: The session created by the first test is considered as the current session.



You must decrypt and encrypt each dataset by using the CSV Editor to apply the strongest encryption on each dataset that you used in the earlier version of the product.



When you install HCL OneTest Performance 10.1.0 on Red Hat Linux Enterprise 8.0 or later, the installation fails with an error message. To work around this problem, you must first install on your computer for a successful installation of the product. Alternatively, you can create a soft link from by running the following command on the command-line interface:sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/



When you record a Citrix test by using an ICA file, the recording fails with an error message. You must first verify the values for the parameters DesiredHRES and DesiredVRES in the ICA file because the values for these parameters are set to 0 instead of a valid number. To resolve this issue, you must first set a value for the parameters to record the Citrix test by using the ICA file.



On Windows Server operating systems, when you use HCL OneTest Performance to run a VU schedule that has Citrix test, sometimes the playback fails because an action from the test is incorrectly played back by the Citrix receiver. To resolve this issue, you must install HCL OneTest Performance and HCL OneTest Performance Agent on Windows 10 operating systems when you want to run the VU schedule that has Citrix test.



On Windows, there is an incompatibility between the version of Java packaged with the product (OpenJDK OpenJ9 V1.8.0_252) and AdoptOpenJDK14 when Symantec Endpoint Protection is installed. To work around this problem, uninstall the AdoptOpenJDK14 product or remove it from the PATH before using the product.



When you run tests or schedules that have a file name with non-English characters from the command-line interface, then the test run fails with an error message.

To work around this problem, you must use CommandLine.exe to run tests or schedules from the command-line interface. You can locate CommandLine.exe in the following folder path:



In HCL OneTest Performance 10.0.0 and later, when you set the environment variable, JAVA_HOME, to the bundled JDK that is shipped with the product, tests that run from Jenkins show a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space error after completion of the test run.

With 10.0.0 and later, you might expect a reduction in the number of Virtual Users (VUs) supported by HCL OneTest Performance Agent depending upon workload characteristics. This variation is the result of the product shipping with OpenJDK 8 with OpenJ9 instead of IBM JRE.

OpenJDK 8 with OpenJ9 JRE exhibits a higher utilization of CPU for the workload. Up to 30% or more decrease in the supported VUs capacity may be expected for CPU-bound workloads. However, for memory-bound workloads, a much smaller, if any reduction in VUs capacity may be expected. If you need higher performance and have access to IBM JRE or later which contains the latest security fixes, you can switch from OpenJDK 8 with OpenJ9 to IBM JRE. For more information, see

When you do performance monitoring of the resources of a remote Windows computer, you specify the credentials of that computer in HCL OneTest Performance. The credentials are stored in a Windows file. If the credentials of the remote computer change and you updated the credentials from HCL OneTest Performance, the test run with Windows Performance Monitoring will still fail. You must restart the workbench computer and then change the credentials from HCL OneTest Performance.

When you playback a test remotely such as from the command line or Jenkins, the log file in the workspace displays IllegalStateException: Workbench has not been created yet. error message. The test will execute successfully.

On Mac OS X, if you have HCL OneTest Performance configured for a floating license or Authorized User License, you will get a the first time you run a schedule. The exception forces the schedule to stop the execution with a failure. After the initial failure, all subsequent runs of schedules would pass without the above-mentioned error.


Permanent known issues

When you do performance monitoring of the resources of a remote Windows computer, you specify the credentials of that computer in HCL OneTest Performance. The credentials are stored in a Windows file. If the credentials of the remote computer changes and you updated the credentials from HCL OneTest Performance, the test run with Windows Performance Monitoring will still fail. You must restart the workbench computer and then change the credentials from HCL OneTest Performance.

You cannot install HCL OneTest Performance and Rational® Performance Tester on the same computer or package group. Also, you cannot install or shell-share HCL OneTest Performance with another Rational testing product such as Rational Test Workbench.

Running tests with Chrome while logged in as root on Linux computers is not supported.

When you start an information center for the first time, you might see an error "Unable to acquire PluginConverter service during generation for error messages". You can safely ignore the error.

Stop the information center and then restart it.

There are a bunch of issues related to Eclipse GTK 3. If you face any of such issues, you can switch to using GTK 2. See the list of issues.

To run SAP GUI tests with 20 or more virtual users on Oracle JDK, you can use the Long Run Mode option. Otherwise, the SAP GUI tests would fail.

After starting the product, a message such as the following appears in the product console: The IBM Class Sharing Adaptor will not work in this configuration. You are not running on a J9 Java VM. This message is displayed because the version of Eclipse that is used in the IDE is from IBM and has the IBM Java optimizations enabled. To resolve the issue:
  1. Locate the plugin in the Shared installation directory of the installed product.
  2. Back up the plugin and then remove it.