Transforming GraniteDS or BlazeDS data
To test an application that is developed on Granite Data Services (GraniteDS) or Adobe BlazeDS framework, you must deserialize or transform the objects that are encoded in the AMF format to the XML format.
Before you begin
- Test Performance supports GraniteDS 2.3.2.
- For GraniteDS transformation, you must add the lt-granite.jar and granite.jar to the class path, along with any other JAR files that are required for the deserialization process.
- For BlazeDS, you must add the JAR files that are required for the
deserialization process to the class path. To add lt-granite.jar or any other JAR files to
the class path perform the steps as follows:
- Right-click the project in the Test Navigator view, and then click Properties.
- Click the Libraries tab, and then click Add External JARs.
- Browse to PathToTheProduct\HCLIMShared\plugins\ to select lt-granite.jar or to any other folder to select other JAR files.
- You must set the JAR files and ensure that you have the following
order by clicking the Order and
Export tab:
- JRE.
- Plug-in Dependencies.
- lt-granite.jar.
- Any Application JAR files.
- BlazeDS JAR files if you use BlazeDS. For instance, flex-messagin-common.jar and flex-messaging-core.jar.
- granite.jar.
To transform the GraniteDS or BlazeDS data:
- Record the test.
- On the toolbar, click the Re-correlate test and transform data icon.
Click the Convert Granite Data Service (AMF)
to XML check box and click Finish.
The AMF data is transformed to XML.