Testing all operations in a WSDL file

You can use the generic service client to rapidly send requests to a service using all the operations in a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file. The calls are generated with default values based on the type of data.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have a valid WSDL file. Ensure that the WSDL files use the correct syntax for the test environment. The generic service client might not work with some Web Services Description Language (WSDL) files.

If the service uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication, create an SSL configuration before invoking the call. See Creating SSL configurations for details.

If the service uses SOAP security for encryption, signature, or other security algorithms, you must first configure the environment with the correct libraries and configuration files, and then create a security profile for the WSDL. See Configuring the environment for SOAP security and Creating security profiles for WSDL files for details.

Calls will be generated for each operation in the WSDL file using the default values for each type. For example, strings will use the default value str. You can change the default values in the XML Default Values preferences.


  1. Open the generic service client and click the Requests tab, and then, click Add a WSDL file Add a WSDL file.
  2. In the Add WSDL Files window, select an existing WSDL or import a WSDL with one of the following methods:
    • Click Import from File to import a WSDL file from the file system.
    • Click Import from URL to download and import an online WSDL from the web.
    • Click Import from WSRR to import a WSDL from an IBM® WebSphere® Service Registry and Repository (WSRR). Enter the URL of the WSRR and click Connect. You can click Search Search to browse the contents of the repository.
    • Click Import from UDDI to import a WSDL from a Universal Description Discovery and Integration (UDDI) repository. Enter the URL of the UDDI and click Connect. You can click Filter Filter and Search Search to browse the contents of the repository.
  3. Click OK.
    The WSDL is added to the Call Library.
  4. In the Call Library, right-click the WSDL and select Test WSDL Methods.
    The call is automatically configured with any SOAP or JMS endpoints that are available in the WSDL.

What to do next

Successful calls are recorded and added to the Request History list. If you are using Test Performance, you can click the Generate Test Suite (Generate Test Suite) button to create a service test.