Viewing compound tests

You can view the compound tests added to your project in the Test Navigator. You can view the details of the compound test elements in the Compound Test Element Details pane.

About this task

You can view the list of compound tests in the Test Navigator. When you open a workspace, the tests and projects that reside in the workspace are listed in the Test Navigator.

You can view compound tests in the Logical and Resource Views in the Test Navigator. From any of these views, you can open the test in the Compound Test Editor.


  1. Open the Performance Test perspective in Test Performance.
  2. Perform any of the following actions:
    • If you want to view the compound test in a Logical View, go to step 3.
    • If you want to view the compound test in a Resource View, go to step 4.
    • If you want to view the compound test in a Java perspective, go to step 5.
  3. Click the Logical View option in the Test Navigator.
    The compound tests are listed in the Compound Tests folder under the project.
    You must perform the following steps:
    1. Double-click the compound test under the Compound Tests folder to open the compound test in the Compound Test Editor.
    2. Click one of the elements from the workflow that are listed in the Compound Test Contents pane.

      You can view the name of the test, test path, source type, and execution mode that are displayed in the Compound Test Element Details pane.

  4. Click the Resource View option in the Test Navigator.
    The compound tests are listed in the Compound Tests folder under the project.
    You must perform the following steps:
    1. Double-click the compound test under the Compound Tests folder to open the compound test in the Compound Test Editor.
    2. Click one of the elements from the workflow that are listed in the Compound Test Contents pane.

      You can view the name of the test, test path, source type, and execution mode that are displayed in the Compound Test Element Details pane.

  5. Go to Windows > Perspective > Open Perspective > Others.
    The Open Perspective dialog is displayed.
    You must perform the following steps:
    1. Select Java, and then click Open.

      The compound tests under a project are displayed under the root project folder.

    2. Double-click the compound test under the root project folder to open the compound test in the Compound Test editor.

      You can view the name of the test, test path, source type, and execution mode that are displayed in the Compound Test Element Details pane.


You have viewed the compound tests in the Logical and Resource Views in the Test Navigator. You have also viewed the compound tests in a Java perspective.