Stopping the test run from a command line

After you run the test from the command-line interface (CLI), you can stop the test run to use additional parameters in your test run.

Before you begin

You must have initiated a test run from CLI. See Running a test or schedule from a command line.


  1. Open the command prompt.
  2. Run the following command to change the directory to the cmdline directory:
    cd <cmdline_directory_path>
    For example,
    cd C:\Program Files\HCL\DevOpsTest\cmdline

    Based on the operating system that you used to install Test Performance, you can locate the cmdline directory as follows:

    Operating system The default path to the directory
    Windows® C:\Program Files\HCL\DevOpsTest\cmdline
    Linux /opt/HCL/DevOpsTest/cmdline
    Mac /Application/HCL/DevOpsTest/cmdline
  3. Run the following command to stop the test run after a while:
    cmdline -workspace workspace_full_path -stoprun
    For example,
    cmdline -workspace "C:/Users/HCL/devopstest/workspace" -stoprun 
    The test run stops after a few seconds of execution of the command and the status is displayed on CLI. The test log is generated and you can view it from Test Performance.
    Note: If you have used the -exportlog parameter when running the test, the test logs are stored in the specified location and also in Test Performance.
  4. Run the following command to stop the test run immediately:
    cmdline -workspace workspace_full_path -abandonrun
    For example,
    cmdline -workspace "C:/Users/HCL/devopstest/workspace" -abandonrun
    The test run stops immediately and the status is displayed on CLI. However, the test log is not generated.


You have stopped the test run from CLI.