Informing the test engine that the subsystem exists

Subsystems are identified to the performance test engine with extensions. Typically, a new protocol indicates in its plugin.xml file the class name of the subsystem that it is providing. This example modifies an existing performance test plug-in and specifies the class name of the sample plug-in in the plugin.xml file.

About this task

To identify the subsystem to the performance testing engine, complete the following steps.


  1. Open a command prompt, and change directory to the Test Performance plug-ins directory.
  2. Save a copy of the existing HTTP execution JAR. For example: C:\HCL\common\plugins>copy
  3. Make a new copy of the HTTP execution JAR for modification. For example: C:\HCL\common\plugins>copy foo.jar
  4. Extract the plugin.xml file. For example: C:\HCL\common\plugins>jar xvf foo.jar plugin.xml Note: You must have a Java SDK in your PATH statement so that you have access to the JAR utility.
  5. Add these lines to the plugin.xml file just above the </plugin> line at the bottom:
  6. Start Test Performance with the -clean option so that the plug-ins are reloaded, for example: C:\install_dir\DevOpsTest>eclipse –clean.