Installing Agent in the GUI mode on Windows systems

You can install HCL DevOps Test Performance Agent on different computers to apply load on the server that hosts the application under test. When you want to run the test scripts on any computer, you must install Test Performance Agent.

Before you begin

About this task

All 32-bit test extensions such as SAP, Citrix, and Siebel are supported only for 32-bit Test Performance Agent. The product installer does not support the following features:

  • Updates, modifications, or rollback

  • Shell sharing in Eclipse

  • Sharing of common components

You can use the stand-alone installer and the product in your preferred language. The display language of your computer is selected as the preferred language of the stand-alone installer. For example, if the display language of your computer is set as French, then the preferred language of the stand-alone installer is also selected as French.

You can change the preferred language of the stand-alone installer and the product by selecting the language from the drop-down list during the installation of the product. The drop-down list displays the languages based on the default language that is set on your computer.

The following languages are displayed in the drop-down list based on the display language of your computer:
List of preferred languages that are displayed in the drop-down list based on the display language of your computer
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese Brazil
  • Simplified Chinese
  • English
  • Traditional Chinese
  • English
  • Japanese
  • English
  • Czech
  • English
  • Hungarian
  • Polish
  • Korean
  • English
  • Turkish
  • English
  • Russian
  • English
For example, if the display language of your computer is Japanese, then the drop-down list shows Japanese and English as the preferred languages.

If you do not want to configure the agent during the installation of the product, then you can leave the configuration fields blank. Later, when you decide to configure the agent, you can update the parameter values in the Majordomo.config file. The Majordomo.config file is at the following location:


Note: The URL Alias parameter name is shown as a slug in the Majordomo.config file.


  1. Download the product installer from the HCL® License & Delivery portal.

    You must download the appropriate product variant, version, and architecture based on your requirements.

  2. Right-click the product installer file and select Run as Administrator.

    The GUI window is displayed.

  3. Select the language from the drop-down list to view the installation instructions and the product in your preferred language.

    The drop-down list displays the languages based on the display language that is set on your computer.

  4. Read through the details on the Introduction window, and then click Next.
  5. Read the license agreement carefully, select the I accept checkbox, and then click Next.
  6. Read the Microsoft Software license agreement carefully, and then select the I accept check box to install the execution agent that provides you with the necessary prerequisites to test the hybrid and native mobile applications, and Windows desktop applications. Click Next to continue.
    Note: After the installation, the execution agent starts automatically when you run AFT test suites and it stops after the playback is completed.
  7. Browse for the location or directory where you want to install the product, and then click Next.
    Note: You must select any other directory if the default directory is not empty. The default locations for 32-bit and 64-bit installers are as follows:
    • For 32-bit: C:\Program Files(x86)\HCL
    • For 64-bit: C:\Program Files\HCL
  8. Optional: Perform the following steps to configure the agent:
    1. Specify the values for the following parameters for Test Performance:
      Field name Description Example
      Host name The hostname of Test Performance. localhost
      Port The port number of Test Performance. 7080
    2. Specify the values for the following parameters for Test Hub:
      Field name Description Example
      Host name The hostname of Test Hub.
      • The hostname of Test Hub must be resolvable through a Domain Name Server (DNS).

      • An IP address cannot be the hostname of Test Hub.

      • The hostname of Test Hub through host files must not be specified.

        For example, /etc/hosts or C:/Windows/system32/drives/etc/host

      Port The port number of Test Hub. 443
      Token An offline user token that is created from Test Hub. eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR
      URL Alias The name of the URL Alias that you provided during the creation of the team space in Test Hub. testteam
  9. Read through the installation details and, then click Install.
  10. Click Done after the installation of the product is complete.


You have installed the agent on your computer.