Configuring agents and proxies to use security tokens

If you are an HCL DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel (Test Virtualization Control Panel) system administrator and you want to implement domain-level security, you can assign security tokens to agents and proxies and thus filter which agents and proxies can connect to Test Virtualization Control Panel.

About this task

After enabling domain-level security, agents and proxies cannot register with Test Virtualization Control Panel unless you assign security tokens to them.

Assigning a security token to each HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs Agent (Test Integrations and APIs Agent) and proxy also enables you to filter which agents and proxies can connect to Test Virtualization Control Panel.

Note: By default, domain-level security is not enabled in Test Virtualization Control Panel. In addition, only HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs), agents and proxies included in Test Virtualization Control Panel can be configured to use security tokens for domain-level security.

You must create user accounts and create and assign security tokens for the required agents and proxies before you can configure the agents and proxies to use them.

If an agent or proxy is configured to use a security token but domain-level security is not enabled, the agent or proxy will register with Test Virtualization Control Panel. This enables you to configure all required agents and proxies to use security tokens before you enable domain-level security.


  1. To configure an Test Integrations and APIs Agent to use a security token, complete the following tasks:
    1. Using a text editor, open the Agent.config file, which is located in Agent installation directory>\config.
    2. Modify the Test Virtualization Control Panel URL details to include the relevant security token:
      <serverURL value=https://<Hostname or IP address>:5443/<security-token="Copy and paste security token from list table on the Security tab on the Administration page of Test Virtualization Control Panel>"/>
    3. Save and close the Agent.config file.
    4. Restart the Agent.exe file, which is located in Agent installation directory.

      Alternatively, if modifying the Test Integrations and APIs Agent on Microsoft Windows, you can restart the DevOps Test API Agent Windows service.

  2. To configure a Test Integrations and APIs proxy or the Java virtualization agent to use a security token, complete the following tasks:
    1. Using a text editor, open the registration.xml file, which is located in Test Virtualization Control Panel installation directory\Proxy name.
      Note: For the Java virtualization agent, navigate to Test Virtualization Control Panel installation directory\Java virtualization\Agent name.
    2. Modify the server details to include the relevant security token:
      server base-URL value=https://Hostname or IP address>:5443/security-token="Copy and paste security token from list table on the Security tab on the Administration page of Test Virtualization Control Panel"/>
    3. Save and close the registration.xml file.
    4. Restart the Test Integrations and APIs proxy or the Java virtualization agent.

      If modifying the HTTP proxy on Microsoft Windows, you must restart the DevOps Test API Proxy Windows service.


The specified agent or proxy registers with Test Virtualization Control Panel. Verify this from the Activities tab of the expanded agent card in the Infrastructure Dashboard of Test Virtualization Control Panel.