Selecting JDBC drivers

You might want to change settings for a JDBC driver, for example, to add a custom entry. An example is provided.

About this task

To select JDBC drivers, follow these steps in HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs):

In this example, a predefined driver for IBM® Db2® 9.7 is selected and a custom entry is added for Composite.


  1. In the Database (JDBC) section of Library Manager, select the two providers and click OK to quit Library Manager.

    In the librarysettings.xml file, the list of selected items is a comma-separated list in selectedPathSets.

    In the following example, MySQL, Oracle (which installed), Db2®, and the custom entry are listed (in that order).

    Each provider is listed with its ID.

  2. Each custom entry is given a unique ID. You can set this ID manually in the librarysettings.xml file or create it in the graphical Library Manager and copy it.

    <pathSet base="< Installation Directory>" displayName="Composite" id="user.defined.<Custom Entry ID>" userDefined="true">

    <pathElement location="<Composite JDBC Provider JAR File Directory>" name="<JAR File Name>"/>

    Note: If the library file location is on a mapped network drive, you might get errors while running tests in a project. To prevent this, ensure that the files are available on a local drive that can be accessed by Test Integrations and APIs and its Agent.