Creating a custom plugin

You can find information about creating a custom plugin as part of implementing user-defined access in a credential management system.

You must be familiar with implementing Java interfaces and building an executable JAR file.

You must create a custom plugin.xml file in which you must ensure the following conditions are satisfied:
  • The extension point is specified as com.ghc.passwordProvider.
  • The interface must be provided as the value of the factoryClass.
Refer to the following example for the guidance on creating the plugin.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?eclipse version="3.2"?>

The values that you specify for the following attributes are used by HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs) to be displayed in the specific UI that was specified in the interface.
Attribute Description
id Specifies the value for the alias that must be used for an option in the Password field in the UI.
Note: The default option that Test Integrations and APIs supplies for the Password field is Default.
label Specifies the text label that must be displayed for the option in the Password field in the UI.
For example, if the value specified is File, then the options that are displayed in the Password field in the UI are as follows:
Image of the options displayed.