Troubleshooting licensing issues

After you set up and apply licenses for HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs (Test Integrations and APIs), you can troubleshoot issues with licensing by setting up logs.

Enabling the licensing debug logs

You can enable the licensing debug logs by performing the following steps:
  1. Open the file that is located in the Test Integrations and APIs installation directory.
  2. Add the following attribute with the value set to INFO in the file:


  3. Save and close the file.
  4. Add the following environment variable:
    Environment variable Value
  5. Start Test Integrations and APIs from the command line by using the -console parameter.
The FlexNet Local License Server generates a log file. The default location in the different operating systems is as follows:
  • On Windows, the path is as follows: c:\windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\flexnetls\HCL\logs\flexnetls.log
  • On Linux, the path is as follows: /var/opt/flexnetls/HCL/logs/flexnetls.log

Enabling storage of licensing information

After the product installation, when you apply the license to the product, the license information is cached in a system directory. A licensing error is displayed when you start the product in the following conditions:
  • There are any permission issues accessing the system directory.
  • The system directory is deleted.
To prevent any licensing error due to issues with the system directory, perform the following steps:
  1. Add the following environment variable:
    Environment variable Value
    HCL_LICENSING_STORAGE Specify a directory path

    The licensing information is then stored in the directory. For example, the directory can be C:\Users\<username>\DevOpsTest.