Stopping virtual services

After you started instances of the virtual services from the Resources page on HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub), you must stop the running instance from the Instances page when you do not want to use the instance. You can stop a single instance, multiple, or all running instances.

Before you begin

You must have started the virtual service from the Resources page. See Configuring a run of a virtual service.


  1. Log in to Test Hub.

    The Projects page of the initial team space is displayed.

  2. Open the project that contains the virtual service resources in the test assets by clicking My Projects > project_name.

    The Overview page is displayed.

  3. Go to the Instances page and identify the instance of the virtual service that you want to stop.
    You can select the virtual service instances that satisfy the following conditions:
    • The virtual service instance must be either in the In transition or Running state.
    • The Stop icon Image of the stop run icon. in the Actions column must be enabled for the virtual service instance.
    • The checkbox icon Image of the stop execution icon. must be enabled for selection for the virtual service instance.
  4. Perform the actions indicated in the following table:
    If... Action...
    You want to stop any virtual service instance that is running Perform any of the following actions:
    • Click the Stop icon Image of the stop run icon. in the Actions column of the virtual service instance.

      The Stop virtual service instance dialog is displayed.

    • Select the checkbox in the row of the virtual service instance, and then click Stop selected.

      The Stop all selected virtual service instances dialog is displayed.

    You want to stop multiple virtual service instances that are running Perform any of the following actions:
    • Select the checkbox in the row of the virtual service instance, and then click Stop selected.
    • Select the Select all checkbox in the header row, and then click Stop selected.
      Note: All running instances are selected when you select the Select all checkbox.

    The Stop all selected virtual service instances dialog is displayed.

  5. Click Ok.

    A notification is displayed that the running virtual service instances are stopped.


You have stopped a single instance, multiple, or all running virtual service instances. The stopped virtual service instance on the Instances page is displayed with the status as Stopped by User in the State column.

What to do next

You can restart the virtual service by completing the configurations that you want from the Resources page.

You can open and view the Main container log of the stopped virtual service.