Machine learning capabilities in DevOps Test Hub

HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub) uses Machine learning (ML) algorithms to analyze tests that match certain requirements and criteria, and then presents the findings as insights and recommendations after the tests are run. You can use the insights and recommendations to interpret the test results and identify the problem areas in the system under test.

Test Hub has incorporated ML capabilities to provide an automated means to identify problems in the system under test.

Tests analyzed through ML

The following types of tests are supported for analysis by using ML capabilities in Test Hub:
  • Performance tests
  • Schedules

Parameters analyzed through ML

The following parameters in Performance tests or Schedules are supported for analysis by using ML capabilities in Test Hub:
  • The Response Time Lock-Step Pattern parameter.
  • The Response Time Standard Deviation Pattern parameter.
  • The Throughput Drop Pattern parameter.
  • The Performance Agent Health parameter.

Test Hub uses different analyzers for each of the parameters. For example, Test Hub uses the Response Time Lock-Step Pattern analyzer to analyze the tests for the Response Time Lock-Step Pattern parameter.

Criteria for analysis of the parameters

The following table lists the criteria used by the analyzers for analysis of the parameters in Test Hub:
Parameter analyzed Criteria for analysis
Response Time Lock-Step Pattern The analyzer identifies the Response Time Lock-Step Pattern parameter in the overall page response time observed against the user count based on the following criteria:
  • Tests have a minimum of 20 users.
  • Tests run for longer durations for a trend to be observed.
  • Tests contain a minimum of three different user groups and each group has an activity of more than two minutes.
Response Time Standard Deviation Pattern The analyzer attempts to detect the response time of pages that are more than thrice the value of the standard deviation calculated for the page response time as the Response Time Standard Deviation Pattern parameter.
Throughput Drop Pattern The analyzer attempts to detect sudden drops in network throughput as the Throughput Drop Pattern parameter that is based on the following criteria:
Note: Sudden drops in throughput might be related to the performance tool itself, issues with network connectivity, or issues with signal-scalability of the system under test.
  • Tests have a minimum of 20 users.
  • Tests have stages with a reasonably high number of samples within a stage.
  • The length and intensity of the throughput drops that are less than 20% of the median observed within a stage are considered by the analyzer. When no throughput is received within 60 seconds, such drops are considered in the analysis. Short shark-tooth patterns in drops are not considered by the analyzer.
  • Parts of the stage with increasing users are not considered for analysis.

    For example, when the test adds one user every minute and the user range is between one user to 500 users, the Throughput Drop Pattern parameter is not analyzed.

Performance Agent Health The analyzer inspects the health of agents that are participating in a performance execution and identifies potential configuration issues based on the following criteria:
  • Minimum requirements
    • At least 10 users
    • At least 10-minute run time
    • Requires schedule with at least 1 static agent (Performance Agent Health insight is not generated if you are running the test on local host)
  • Blocking threads
    • Considered as Blocking threads when 90% of available threads are used for 20% of the run time
  • Pegged CPU
    • Considered as Pegged CPU when 90% of CPU is utilized for 10% of the run time
  • Pegged CPU for interval
    • Considered as Pegged CPU for interval when there are intervals of high CPU utilization greater than 95%

      For example, above 95% of CPU utilized for 50% of a 10-minute interval or 98% of CPU utilized over a shorter interval.

    • Considered as Pegged CPU for interval when there are spikes in CPU utilization during long test runs

The agents that are not configured properly can distort performance assessments of the system under test.

The analyzer can provide multiple insight types. The insight recommendation texts are parametrized and they provide specific recommendations such as identifying the agents with issues. You can view the following insights:
  • Pegged CPU for run insight
  • Pegged CPU for interval insight
  • Blocked thread insight

Analysis at the project level

When you as a Project Owner or Tester configure a run of a Performance Test or a Schedule from your project in Test Hub, you must ensure that the criteria required for ML analysis are met. During the test run, Test Hub uses its ML capabilities to analyze the supported parameters and presents its findings as insights on the Insights page.

Any member of your project can view the insights by clicking Analyze > Insights from the navigation in the project or from the Insights section on the Overview page in the project.

Project members after viewing the insights can react by either agreeing or disagreeing with the insights suggested by Test Hub.

Analysers in a team space

You can view the list of analysers and description about the analyzers available in a Team space by clicking Infrastructure > Analyzers from the navigation in the team space. Also, you can enable or disable the analyzer, view the count of the reviewed insights and the review history of the insights generated by the analyzers.

After viewing the recommendation for a specific parameter, members of the project can alter the default threshold value that specifies the level of confidence required in the analysis of the parameter and run the tests again to improve the accuracy of the recommendations and insights.

You can also improve the accuracy of the recommendations by running multiple tests with differing loads repeatedly.

Using Machine learning capabilities

You can find information in the following documentation about using Machine learning (ML) capabilities in Test Hub: