Uninstalling DevOps Test Hub from Ubuntu

When you want to install a new version of HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub) or you want to reinstall Test Hub when an ongoing installation fails, you can uninstall Test Hub and its components from the Ubuntu platform.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:
  • Installed Test Hub.

  • Closed Test Hub, any open web browsers, and all other applications that are enabled by Test Hub.

  • Optional: Backed-up data from the previous version of Test Hub.

About this task

You must replace {main} with the name of the release that you provided during the installation of Test Hub in all the instances in this procedure.

The devops-system is the name of the namespace that is created during the setting up of the k3s environment.


  1. Log in to the Ubuntu server using an SSH session.
  2. Run the following command to stop the workload that is running:
    kubectl delete all,cm,secret -lexecution-marker -n devops-system
  3. Run the following command to uninstall Test Hub:
    helm uninstall {main} -n devops-system

    The PersistentVolumeClaims and PersistentVolumes that were created during the installation are not deleted automatically. If you reinstall Test Hub, the user data is reused unless you specifically delete those volumes.

  4. Run the following commands to delete the entire Kubernetes environment, including all user data:
    Ubuntu version Commands to be run


    cd hcl-onetest-base
    sudo ./ubuntu-wipe.sh --confirm


    cd hcl-onetest-base
    sudo HOME=$HOME ./ubuntu-wipe.sh --confirm

    After you run this command, the system returns to the same state as if k3s-init.sh was never run.

    Important: If you want to migrate data from a previous version to the latest version of the product, then you must ensure to back up the data before you run this command.


You have uninstalled Test Hub from the Ubuntu platform.