Team space overview

Team spaces are logical partitions of HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub). Team space is an exclusive, separate, and secure space on Test Hub that enables you to share a single installation among multiple teams.

You can find the following information about team spaces:

Initial team space

After you install Test Hub and log in for the first time, you enter the Initial team Space.

The initial team space is the default logical partition that is created on an instance of Test Hub.

As a server administrator, you must consider the following points:
  • After you install Test Hub and log in for the first time, the Projects page of the initial team space is displayed.
  • You must configure the license server for the initial team space.
  • Add or remove users in the team space and assign them different roles in a team space.
  • You can assign the role of a Team Space Owner to any other member in the initial team space.
  • Change the type of the initial team space from the default type of permissive.
    The following table describes the type that you can assign to a team space:
    Type Description
    Permissive Specifies that any licensed user of Test Hub can access a team space and get assigned the default roles of a Project Owner and Member in the team space.
    Restrictive Specifies that all licensed users of Test Hub must request for access to a team space and must be provided access and assigned roles by the Team Space Owner.

    The Restrictive type of team space can be either Public or Private. A Public team space is visible in the team spaces dashboard, while a Private team space is not visible in the team spaces dashboard.

  • You can evaluate the requirement and create team spaces other than the initial team space.
As a licensed user, you must consider the following points:
  • When you log in for the first time immediately after the installation of Test Hub, the Projects page of the initial team space is displayed.
  • After you log in to the initial team space, you are assigned the default roles of Project Creator and Member of the initial team space.
  • On subsequent logins, the My Projects page in the initial team space is displayed as the default page.

Team spaces

You can either work with the initial team space or you can create multiple team spaces on Test Hub. The team space facilitates users of the same team space to work together.

Apart from being a container for projects, a team space facilitates the registration of remote Docker hosts and Resource Monitoring agents, designing the system model, and viewing the registered agents, Dockers, or intercepts.

After you create a team space as a server administrator, you must consider the following actions:
Note: You are assigned the default role of a Team Space Owner for team spaces that you create.
  • Add users in the team space and assign them different roles in a team space.
  • Assign the role of a Team Space Owner to other team space members, if you want other members to own the team space.
    Note: As a Team Space Owner, you can remove any member of your team space from the assigned role. The member who is removed from a team space, can send a request and become a member of that team space after the request is accepted.
  • If the Team Space Owner is no longer a member of a team space, then you as the server administrator can access that team space with the default role of a Team Space Owner. You can then assign the role of a Team Space Owner to any other member.
  • Delete the initial team space or any other team space that you created, if required.
    Note: If you delete the initial team space, the users of the initial team space are redirected to the Team Space Dashboard page.
You as a server administrator or the Team Space Owner must perform the following tasks in a team space before other members can start using the team space:
  • Configure the license server.
  • Configure the team space type as either Restrictive or Permissive.
  • Configure the SMTP server and add members who can receive notifications about the operations performed in the team space.
As a member of a team space, you must consider the following points:
  • When you log in for the first time immediately after the installation of Test Hub, the Projects page of the team space is displayed.
  • After you log in to the team space, you are assigned the default roles of a Project Creator, and Member of the team space.
  • You can request to become a member of any other team space. After your request is approved, you are assigned the default role of a Member of that team space.
  • You can become a member of either a Permissive or Restrictive type of team space.
  • On subsequent logins, the Team Space Dashboard page is displayed as the default page.

Migration from earlier releases of Test Hub

The initial team space is the only logical partition in Test Hub 10.1.3. If you migrate from an earlier release of Test Hub to 10.2 or later, then all the assets and resources that you created and associated with the initial team space are migrated to associate with the initial team space in Test Hub 10.2 or later.

The results of migration are as follows:
  • All projects are contained in the initial team space.
  • If you created a repository in a team space, then you can find the repository in the initial team space in 10.2.
  • All Dockers, agents, and intercepts that you registered with the server are then registered with the initial team space and you can view from the Agents and Intercepts page of the initial team space.
  • If you configured a resource monitoring agent in any project, then the details of the configured agent are available in the project.
  • You can find the details of SMTP configuration on the server. Only you as a server administrator can view the details of SMTP configuration.
  • The license server that is configured for the server for earlier release of Test Hub is then configured for the initial team space.
  • All users are assigned the role of a Project Creator and Architect of the initial team space.
  • All users with server administrator roles are assigned the default role of a Team Space Owner of the initial team space.
    • All users of earlier releases are migrated to Test Hub 10.2 or later. You can view the list of all migrated users in the application only when they log into the application at least once.
    • After you migrate the server data from a previous version to a newer version, the Project Owner must log in to Test Hub so that other members of the project can access the test assets in that project.