Viewing configurations of running instances of virtual services
After you start virtual services from the Resources page, you can view the details, configuration settings, routing rules, usage statistics, or logs of a specific running virtual service instance from the Instances page on HCL OneTest™ Server.
Before you begin
- Ensured that you are assigned a role as a Member or Project Creator in the team space. See Managing members and their roles in a team space.
- Ensured that you are assigned a role as a Viewer, Tester, or Project Owner in the project.
- Started the virtual service resources as a Tester or Owner from the Resources page.
About this task
After you have started the virtual services from the Resources page on HCL OneTest™ Server, you can go to the Instances page and view the information about a specific running virtual service instance.
Log in to HCL OneTest™ Server.
The team space that contains your project is displayed.
Open the project that contains the virtual service resources in the
test assets by clicking
The Overview page is displayed.
in the navigation pane.
The Instances page is displayed with all running instances of the virtual services that are in your project.
- Identify the running instance of the virtual service of which you want to view the details, configuration settings, and other information.
Click the Expand icon
of the instance of the virtual service.
The Details panel of the instance is displayed with the following details about the virtual service instance:Note: The information displayed pertains to the configuration settings that were configured in the virtual service at the time it was created or run.Option Information displayed Name Displays the name of the virtual service. Path Displays the path of the virtual service resource in the project repository. Labels Displays the labels or tags that were entered for the virtual service when a run of the virtual service was configured. API Environment Displays the name of the environment associated with the operation in which the virtual service was created in HCL OneTest™ API or the environment selected for the run. Version Displays the version of the virtual service resource that is in the project repository that was started as an instance. Started at Displays the date and time when the virtual service instance started. Started by Displays the name of the project member who started the virtual service instance. Execution location Displays the location of the Kubernetes cluster on which the virtual service instance ran. Note: The name of the remote Kubernetes cluster is displayed if the virtual service instance ran on the remote cluster or Default Cluster is displayed if the virtual service ran on HCL OneTest™ Server.Associated components Displays the components in the system model that are associated with the virtual service. Documentation Displays the text that was entered on the Documentation tab of the Stub Editor when the virtual service was created in HCL OneTest™ API. The other panels that you can view are as follows:- Behavior
- Routing Rules
- Statistics
- Diagnostics
Expand each panel by clicking the panel to view the information in that
You can view the following information in the different panels:
Panel Details Behavior The Behavior panel of the instance is displayed when expanded with the following details about the virtual service instance:Note: The information displayed pertains to the configuration settings that were configured in the virtual service at the time it was created or run.Option Information displayed Performance Displays the optimization setting and the maximum number of threads in use by the virtual service. Operation Displays the operations referenced by the virtual service. You can select each operation to view the related response time and the pass through settings. Response time Displays the response time option that is in use for the selected operation within the virtual service. Passthrough Displays the pass through option that is in use for the selected operation within the virtual service.
Routing Rules The Routing Rules panel of the instance is displayed when expanded.
The routing rules that relate to the virtual service are displayed.Column Description Activity Indicates the routing type.
Target Displays the endpoint of the target service for which requests are being routed.
Recipient Displays the endpoint of the virtual service that receives the routed requests
You can expand the panel for each intercept by clicking on the expand icon. You can then find the following information:
Tab Description Details The Details panel provides the following information: Option Information displayed Condition Lists the condition that causes the traffic to be routed to a virtual service. You can view the detailed condition of the rule defined for the intercept by clicking the View icon
The detailed condition of the rule is displayed in the Full condition window.Note: You can copy the detailed condition if you intend to use it elsewhere.Routing to Lists the virtual service to which traffic is routed. Created by Lists the user who created the rule. Created at Lists the date and time when the rule was created. Activity The Activity panel lists the log of the activities performed in relation to the routing rule. This panel also displays the details of the activity, date and time, and message for that activity. Statistics The Statistics panel of the instance is displayed when expanded. The requests received by the instance of the virtual service in the previous hour are displayed as a graph. The total requests received is indicated in the Total hits field and the activity load in the previous hour are displayed in the Activity field.
The view can be refreshed by clicking the Refresh icon
Diagnostics The Diagnostics panel of the instance is displayed when expanded with the following details: Option Description Logging Displays the logging level that was configured for the virtual service. Init container log Displays the link to the log of the Init container. Note: This logs contains messages that relate to configuring the container which is ready to run the virtual service.Main container log Displays the link to the log of the main container. This log contains messages logged by the virtual service based on the selected logging level.
You have viewed the information about the configuration, routing rules, usage, or logs of the virtual service instance.