Viewing test logs after the test run is completed

After you configure a test run and the run is completed, you can view the test log that is created for the test.

Before you begin

You must have configured and started a test run, and noted that the test run has the status as Complete displayed on the Progress page.

About this task

You can view the test log that is created for a specific test run from the following pages:
  • The Progress page. To view the test log from the Progress page, go to Step 1.
  • The Results page. To view the test log from the Results page, go to Step 2.
  • The Test log page. To view the test log from the Test log page, go to Step 3.


  1. Perform the following steps after the test completes its run:
    1. Go to Execute > Progress, if you are not already on the Progress page.

      The test assets that are running or have completed their run are listed. If you are already on the Progress page, only the test asset that you selected on the Execution page is displayed with the status as Complete.

    2. Click the Open action menu icon Image of the open action menu icon under the Actions column in the row of the test asset.
    3. Click the View test log option.

      The Test log page is displayed with the test log collated for test run.

    4. Go to Results.
  2. Perform the following steps after the test completes its run:
    1. Go to Analyze > Results.

      The test assets that have completed their run are listed.

    2. Select the tab based on the type of test assets that you ran as indicated in the following table:
      If... Then...

      You want to run AFT Suites, API Suites, Compound Tests, Rate Schedules, VU Schedules, JMeter tests, JUnit tests, or Postman tests..

      Click the SUITES tab.

      You ran API tests, Functional tests, or Performance tests.

      Click the TESTS tab.

      You want to find Suites and tests by using custom filters, when you ran Suites and tests.

      Click the ADVANCED tab.

    3. Identify the test asset that you ran by performing any of the following actions:
      • Identify the test asset by scrolling through the list.
        Tip: You can hover over the icon in the Type column to know the type of the test asset.
        Note: You can also identify the type of the asset from the icon that represents the test type as shown in the following table:
        Icon Represents Listed in the SUITES tab Listed in the TESTS tab Listed in the ADVANCED tab
        API test image of checkmark image of checkmark
        Functional test image of checkmark image of checkmark
        Performance test image of checkmark image of checkmark
        AFT Suite image of checkmark image of checkmark
        API Suite image of checkmark image of checkmark
        Compound Test image of checkmark image of checkmark
        HCL AppScan CodeSweep image of checkmark image of checkmark
        JMeter Test image of checkmark image of checkmark
        JUnit Test image of checkmark image of checkmark
        Postman test image of checkmark image of checkmark
        Rate Schedule image of checkmark image of checkmark
        VU Schedule image of checkmark image of checkmark
      • Search for the test asset by entering any text contained in the test asset name in the Search field.
      • Click the Filter icon Image of the filter icon in the SUITES or TESTS tab to filter the displayed assets based on the asset type.

        For example, select API Suite in the SUITES tab to display all API Suites or select Functional Test in the TESTS tab to display all Functional tests that are in the branch.

      • Click the Filter icon Image of the filter icon in the ADVANCED tab, and then create a filter query by using the New filter option by performing the following steps:
        1. Click New filter.
        2. Enter a name for the filter.
        3. Select an operator, and add a rule, or a group of rules.
        4. Add or enter the relevant parameters and either select or enter the condition and the criteria for the condition.
          You can select a parameter from the following list:
          • Type
          • Test Asset Name
          • Test Asset Path
          • Last Result
          • Next Run
          • Components
        5. Save the filter query to save and apply the filter query to filter the assets based on the query.

          The test assets that match the filter criteria are displayed.

      • Retrieve and apply a saved filter query, if you have saved filter queries previously by performing the following steps:
        Note: The filter query applied previously is selected and the assets based on that filter query are displayed. To apply a different filter query, you must have created and saved the filter query.
        1. Click the Filter icon Image of the filter icon in the ADVANCED tab.

          The filter queries that you created and saved are displayed.

        2. Click the filter that you want to apply.

          The test assets that match the filter criteria are displayed.

      You have identified the test asset that you ran.

    4. Click the test asset under the Test column.

      The results and reports panel is displayed.

    5. Click the Reports tab, if it is not already open.
    6. Click the Test Log link.

      The test log created for the test run is displayed in the Test log page.

    7. Go to Results.
  3. Perform the following steps after the test completes its run:
    1. Go to Analyze > Test Log.

      The Test log page is displayed. The test assets that were run are displayed.

    2. Identify the test asset by its name or the type for which you want to view the test log.
    3. Click the test asset under the Test column.

      The test log created for the test run is displayed.

    4. Go to Results.


You have viewed the test log for the test asset that you ran.

What to do next

You can view the details of the test log and decide on the actions you might want to take on the test log. See Test log details.