Use this function on an output card to return an XML validation error message when a map runs against invalid XML input.

Create the input card with either a native XML schema or an XML-based type tree, and specify the Restart attribute. On the output card, use the GETXMLERRORMSG function, passing the number of the input card as the parameter. When the map runs and the input contains invalid XML data, the output card returns a standard XML error message. For example:

Error (-1), "XMLParser: Input XML data is invalid."
SAXParseException, Error [line: 162 column: 36] 
Datatype error: Type:SchemaDateTimeException, 
Message:Incomplete Date ! '2006-09-'  . 

See the Type Designer documentation or the Map Designer documentation for details about the Restart attribute.

GETXMLERRORMSG (single-number-expression)
GETXMLERRORMSG (input_card_number)
A text string

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