Configuring licenses for team spaces

As a Team Space Owner, you can configure the License Server for the team spaces on the Team Space License Configuration page so that members of the team space can perform various operations such as creating a project, running tests, and so on.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:

  • Configured the licenses that you purchased on the Licensing Server.

  • Been assigned the role of a Team Space Owner of the team space.

  • Installed the product and signed up as a user on HCL OneTest Server.

  • Optional: Created a team space. See Creating a team space.

About this task

The team spaces are logical partitions of HCL OneTest Server. The team space facilitates users of the same team space to work together. As a Server Administrator, you have access to the initial team space. You can also create multiple team spaces, if required. As a Server Administrator, you can assign the role of Team Space Owner to any other user when you create the team space on HCL OneTest Server. If you are the Server Administrator, you can add yourself as a Team Space Owner.

You must have a valid license to work with the team spaces that you create on HCL OneTest Server. You must provide a separate URL and ID of the License Server for the team spaces when you configure the License Server. If you provided the URL and ID of the License Server that is already configured for any other team space, then the configuration of the license for the team space fails with an error message. If you delete the team space, then the URL and ID of the License Server used for that team space is released. You can then use that for another team space.

Note: When you upgrade the server software from the previous version to the latest version, then the license configuration of the previous release applies to the initial team space. You can verify the information from the Team Space License Configuration page of the initial team space.
As a Server Administrator, you can assign the role of a Server Administrator to any user. For information about how to change the role, see Default user administration in Related information.
Remember: When your role is changed from a user to a Server Administrator, you must log out and log in again so that HCL OneTest Server can apply the change in your role.


  1. Log in to HCL OneTest Server.

    The Projects page of the initial team space is displayed.

  2. Click Dashboard.
    The Team Space Dashboard page is displayed.
  3. Click a team space from My Team Spaces.
  4. Click Manage > Licenses.
    The Team Space License Configuration page is displayed.
  5. Enter the values in the License Server URL and License Server ID fields to configure the licenses for the team space.
    The following information is displayed:
    • The License usage section displays the number of Named user licenses that are currently in use.

    • The License configuration section displays the number of Named user licenses and the number of Concurrent Virtual Service licenses that are configured on the License Server.

  6. Select the Disable automatic self-acquisition of named user licenses option if you do not want to self-acquire Named users license on a first-come-first-serve basis for your team space.
    The following table describes the functionality of the Disable automatic self-acquisition of named user licenses option:
    Option When Description
    Disable automatic self-acquisition of named user licenses Cleared ☐ Any member of a team space can get a license when there are sufficient licenses are available for the team space.
    Selected ☑ Only such users who are added to the Named Users list get a license to perform the tasks in their team space. If other users try to perform any project operations in any of the team spaces, they cannot get a license even if sufficient licenses are available.
  7. Click Configure to apply the license configuration.


You have configured the license for the team space.

What to do next

You can perform any of the following tasks: