You can use the SERIESTOTEXT function to project your input data as a series and to interpret it as a text item for output.

SERIESTOTEXT converts a contiguous or non-contiguous series to a text item.

SERIESTOTEXT (series-object-expression)
SERIESTOTEXT (series_to_convert)
A single text item

SERIESTOTEXT returns a text item containing the concatenation of the series of the input argument, including nested delimiters but excluding initiators and terminators.


In this example, you have the following data that represents bowler information for a bowling league:

Andrews, Jessica:980206:JBC:145:138:177:159

Little, Randy:980116:BBK:175:168

Wayne, Richard:980102:JBC:185:204:179:164:212

Each record consists of the bowler's name, the date of their last game played, a team code and one or more bowling scores. Record is defined as a group that is infix-delimited by a colon.

Using the rule:

= SERIESTOTEXT (Score Field:Bowler:Input)

the following results are produced, which is the concatenation of all of the scores for all of the bowlers, even though the scores are not all contiguous within the data:


However, if the rule was changed, for instance, to concatenate the list of scores to the bowler's name:

= BowlerName Field:Bowler:Input + " ->" + SERIESTOTEXT (Score Field:Bowler:Input)

the following output would be produced:

Andrews, Jessica -> 145138177159

Little, Randy -> 175168

Wayne, Richard -> 185204179164212

In this example, you have an input number that is of variable size, followed by a name. There is no syntax that separates the number from the name. You can define the number as a group with Byte(s) as a component and provide a component rule for Byte(s), such as:


Related functions

  • TEXT