Integration with UrbanCode Deploy
When you use UrbanCode™ Deploy (UCD) for automating application deployments of your application, you can run tests created for your application and available in a project on HCL OneTest™ Server from UCD by using the HCL OneTest™ Server UCD plugin.
You can use the HCL OneTest™ Server UCD plugin to integrate HCL OneTest™ Server with UCD.
You must have created the tests in the desktop clients and committed the test assets and test resources to a remote repository. The remote repository must be added to the project.
Type of test | Desktop client |
HCL OneTest™ UI |
HCL OneTest™ API |
HCL OneTest™ Performance |
You can now follow the tasks listed in the task flow table to integrate HCL OneTest™ Server with UCD. See Task flow for integrating UrbanCode Deploy.