HEXTEXTTOSTREAM is the reverse of STREAMTOHEXTEXT. You can use the HEXTEXTTOSTREAM function to assign a binary text value to a character text item represented by hexadecimal pairs.

HEXTEXTTOSTREAM returns a binary text stream whose value is the evaluation of input character text represented by hexadecimal pairs.

HEXTEXTTOSTREAM (single-text-expression)
HEXTEXTTOSTREAM (series_of_hex_pairs)
A single byte stream item

This function returns a binary text stream item whose value is the evaluation of input character text in series_of_hex_pairs, ignoring <WSP> characters between the hexadecimal pairs. White space characters include space, horizontal tab, carriage return, and line feed characters.

Input formats

The following table shows an example of input in its character text representation as viewed through the character editor, and in its ASCII code representation (binary text stream) as viewed through the hex editor. Each pair of binary text in the hex view represents one character in the character view of the character text.

Input ("41 42 43 44") Editor View Value
Character text (hex pairs) Character "41 42 43 44"
ASCII code representation (binary text stream) Hex 0x3431203432203433203434


  • HEXTEXTTOSTREAM ("41 42 43 44")

    Returns the evaluated value of the input (ASCII) character text string "41 42 43 44" as the output (ASCII) character text string "ABCD" as viewed in the character editor. (The hex view of the input is 0x3431203432203433203434. The hex view of the output is 0x41424344.)


    Returns the evaluated value of the input (ASCII) character text string "0D 0A 00" as the output (ASCII) character text string "<CR><LF><NULL>" as viewed in the character editor. (The hex view of the input is 0x3044203041203030. The hex view of the output is 0x0D0A00.)

    See Design Studio Introduction documentation for a list of special symbols.

Related functions