Viewing the progress of running test assets
After you initiate or schedule a test run on the Execution page, you can view the progress of the test assets that are running or scheduled to run, from the Progress page. You can also view the test assets that have completed their run, are stopped or canceled, during the past hour.
Before you begin
You must have initiated runs of the test assets in your project from the Execution page.
Open your project and click Progress.
Any one of the following views is displayed:
- No test assets are displayed in the Progress page if there are no test assets that are running, scheduled to run, or have completed their run in the past hour.
- Test assets in your project that are in any of the following states are listed:
- Running
- Scheduled
- Completed
- Stopped
- Canceled
- No test assets are displayed but the options Hide inactive and Show all are present. Click Show all to display all the test assets on the Progress page. Test assets that were hidden from the display are displayed.
Note: Test assets are automatically removed from the display after 60 minutes of being added to the Progress page. Therefore, you can only view the test assets that were added to the Progress page in the past hour. You cannot use the Progress page to view the history of test assets that were run from the Execution page. -
Identify the test asset for which you want to view the progress from the test assets listed.
You can also identify the test asset by completing any of the following actions:
- Search for the test asset by entering any text contained in the test asset name in the Search text box.
- Sort the test assets by the user who started the test by clicking the Started by column header, and find the test asset listed against your name.
- Sort the test assets by the Type of the test assets by clicking the Started by column header, and find the test asset type you ran or scheduled.
- Click Hide inactive to only display the test assets that are running or scheduled to run. This action removes all completed, canceled, stopped, or failed test assets from the display.
You can view the following details of your test asset on the Progress page:Column header Description Type
Displays the icon for the type of the test asset.
Displays the name of the test asset added to the project from the Git repository.
Started by
Displays the name of the user who started the run of the test asset.
Start Time
Displays the start time of the test asset run.
End Time
Displays the end time of the test asset run.
Displays the state of the test asset progressively.
For example, after the run is in the Initiated state, it moves on to the Running state and ends in its final state depending on the verdict of the test run as either Completed, Failed, or Inconclusive.
If the test run is stopped or a scheduled run is canceled, the status displayed is Stopped by User for a stopped run or Canceled for a canceled test.
From the Actions column, you can perform the following operations on your test asset:- Stop a run.
- Cancel a scheduled run.
- Monitor a VU Schedule, Rate Schedule, Compound Test, or an AFT Suite.
- View the execution log.
- View the result of the test asset on the Results page.
You have viewed the progress of the test assets that you ran from the Execution page.
What to do next
- You can stop a test asset that is running.
- You can cancel a scheduled run.
- You can monitor tests (such as the Schedules, Compound Test, and AFT Suites).
- You can see the results or the execution log of the test asset from the
Actions column by clicking the Open action menu icon
- You can view the results, reports, and logs of the completed test run from the Results page.