Setting the pairwise data property

When you want to generate an optimum test data that covers all possible combinations of item type values for each pair of item types in a schema, you can set the pairwise data property for those item types.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:

About this task

The pairwise data generation method is a combinational method to find all the possible values of the selected pairs of item types. The pairwise data generation method is efficient when you have a large number of item types and the item type values in a schema. When you apply the pairwise data generation method in such cases, the number of generated test data decreases drastically although covering all the combinations. To implement the pairwise data generation method, you must have multiple item types in a group type of a schema. To assign item type values, you must either import the values of item type from a file or insert values for each item type.


  1. Select your project in HCL OneTest Server and go to the Data Fabrication page.
  2. Open your schema from the Schemas tab.
  3. Select the item type from Dictionary for which you want to set the pairwise data property.
  4. Select Restrictions from the Item Properties drop-down list of the Properties dialog box.
  5. Set values for the selected item type by using any one of the following methods:
    • Import item type values from the file by using Values from file.
    • Include values for the selected item type in the Properties dialog box.
  6. Save the changes.
  7. Select Item Properties from the drop-down list of the Properties dialog box.
  8. Click the Advanced Properties icon -.
  9. Select Yes from the Pairwise Data drop-down list.
    Note: The default value of the Pairwise Data drop-down list is No.
  10. Save the changes.
    Important: You must select multiple item types to apply the pairwise data generation method.
    Note: When you want to apply the pairwise data generation method for each item type, you must repeat step 4 through step 10.


You have successfully set the pairwise data property for the selected item type.

What to do next

You must select a group type to generate the test data of a schema. See Generating test data.

Note: The group type that you select to generate the test data can comprise both the item types set for the pairwise data property and the item types that are not set for this property.
Important: When you generate the test data for a group type with a few or all of the item types set for the pairwise data property, then during the test data generation, the value you enter for the Number of records field is ignored. Based on the pairwise data property, HCL® OneTest Data auto calculates the number of records.