Installing the SAP connector files in HCL OneTest Data

To generate a schema in HCL OneTest Data, you must install the SAP connector files in HCL OneTest Data.


  1. Download the SAP connector files and sapjco3.jar to your local file system.
  2. Copy the connector files from your local file system to the HIP Server pod by using the following commands from the command prompt:

    kubectl cp /source path/ {my-ots}-hip-server-0:/opt/hcl/hip/libs/libsapjco3

    kubectl cp /source path/sapjco3.jar {my-ots}-hip-server-0:/opt/hcl/hip/libs/sapjco3.jar
    Note: When you install or restore HCL OneTest Data, you must copy the connector files again.
  3. Enter the following command to change the current user as the root user:

    chown <user>:root sapjco3.jar

  4. Run the following command to modify the access permissions of the connector file:

    chmod 777 sapjco3.jar


You have successfully installed the SAP connector files in HCL OneTest Data.

What to do next

You must establish the connection between HCL OneTest Data and the SAP BAPI connector. See Establishing an SAP BAPI connection with HCL OneTest Data.