Configuring job settings

HCL OneTest Data periodically deletes all the generated test data and the jobs of test data generation with API history to clear the memory. However, if you want to change the default number of days to retain the generated test data jobs in memory, you must configure the job settings.

Before you begin

  • You must have cluster-admin permissions.
  • You must have the IP address of the computer where HCL OneTest Server is installed.

About this task

As a default configuration, HCL® OneTest Data retains the jobs with their generated test data and API history for five days after the jobs are completed. All the jobs that are created before five days are deleted. If you want to retain the jobs with their generated data for more number of days in HCL® OneTest Data, then you must modify the value of the data_rotation_time property to the number of days you want to retain the jobs in the configmap file.

Note: If you modify the value of the data_rotation_time property to zero, then you can disable the deletion of generated test data jobs and API history.


  1. Log in to the SSH console of HCL OneTest Server.
  2. Run the following command to edit the configuration file:

    kubectl edit configmap -n test-system {my-ots}-data-config -o yaml

  3. Search for the data_rotation_time property in the configuration file, and then set the value to the number of days you want the jobs to retain in the server.
    Note: The default value of data_rotation_time is 5.

    For example, if you want to retain the jobs for 10 days, set the value of data_rotation_time property as 10.

  4. Save your changes, and then exit from the configuration file.
  5. Run the following command to delete and restart the <onetest data> pod:

    kubectl delete pod {my-ots}-data-app-0


You have successfully configured the setting to retain the jobs with generated test data and API history in HCL® OneTest Data.