Audit log overview

When execution of a map to generate the test data fails, HCL OneTest Data creates an audit log. The audit log records the detailed information about the execution of the failed job.

You can download the audit log of the failed job from the Jobs page by clicking the Download Log File button.

Audit log contents

The audit log provides an execution summary of the following information:
ExecutionSummary Fields Description
CommandLine Specifies the name and the location of the compiled map.
Elapsedsec Specifies the total time spent on the map execution. The time spent is presented in seconds only (rounded). For example, ElapsedSec="25".
mapreturn Returns a code to specify the result of map execution. For example, mapreturn="0".
MapStatus Specifies the status of the map executed.
Message Notifies the map execution result.
ObjectsBuilt Specifies the number of objects generated based on the data. Each type in a schema represents an object.
ObjectsFound Specifies the number of objects identified based on the data read. Each type in a schema represents an object.
SourceReport Provides a detailed report about the source adapter.
Note: Some of the execution information is optional, and are not always displayed in the ExecutionSummary of the audit log.

Source data report

The source data report provides the following information:

  • Value of the source adapter
  • Byte count of the source data
  • Return code of the source adapter with a message
  • Adapter command line or file path
  • Time stamp of the data source

Sample of an execution summary in an audit log file

The following sample is the execution summary of the audit log file.

<ExecutionSummary MapStatus="Valid" mapreturn="0" ElapsedSec="0.0373" BurstRestartCount="0"> <Message>Map completed successfully</Message> <CommandLine>'install_dir\examples\CallsSummary.mmc'</CommandLine> <ObjectsFound>18</ObjectsFound> <ObjectsBuilt>12</ObjectsBuilt> <SourceReport card="1" adapter="File" bytes="52" adapterreturn="0"> <Message>Data read successfully</Message> <Settings>install_dir\examples\stores.txt</Settings> <TimeStamp>18:10:04 December 26, 2019</TimeStamp> </SourceReport> <SourceReport card="2" adapter="File" bytes="69" adapterreturn="0"> <Message>Data read successfully</Message> <Settings>install_dir\examples\CALLS.TXT</Settings> <TimeStamp>18:10:04 December 26, 2019</TimeStamp> </SourceReport> <TargetReport card="1" adapter="File" bytes="119" adapterreturn="0"> <Message>Data written successfully</Message> <Settings>install_dir\examples\summary.txt</Settings> <TimeStamp>10:14:34 Dec 27, 2019</TimeStamp> </TargetReport> <WorkArea type="File"> <inputarea card="1" Path="install_dir\examples\CallsSummary.I01" TimeStamp="10:14:34 Dec 27, 2019" bytes="65695"/> <inputarea card="2" Path="install_dir\examples\CallsSummary.I02" TimeStamp="10:14:34 Dec 27, 2019" bytes="65695"/> <outputarea card="1" Path="install_dir\examples\CallsSummary.O01" TimeStamp="10:14:34 Dec 27, 2019" bytes="65695"/> </WorkArea> </ExecutionSummary>