Importing specific component processes

Component processes define the steps required to deploy, configure, or update a specific component. You can import specific component processes to reuse a standardized deployment across multiple applications or environments without recreating a process each time.

Before you begin

You must have ensured that the component process source file to be imported is a JSON or YAML file.

About this task

By importing processes in HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy), you can incorporate specific deployment logic for components, making them reusable across different applications and environments.
Note: When you export components, applications, processes, or templates, and then import them on a different computer, you must ensure that you install the same versions of the same plug-ins on both computers.


  1. Log in to Deploy.
  2. Click Components.
    Components page is displayed.
  3. Select the component to which you want to import specific component processes.
  4. Click Processes > Import component process.
    The Import Component process dialog is displayed.
  5. Select Process Upgrade Type from the dropdown list.
  6. Click Choose File to upload the component process source file that you want to import.
    • You must create the JSON or YAML file that contains the component definition on a server that uses the same version of Deploy as the destination server.
    • Only JSON and YAML file types are supported.
  7. Click Submit.


You have imported the specific component process. The imported component process is listed in Processes tab for the component.

What to do next

You can set environment-specific properties by editing the process in the process editor. See Editing processes.