Configuring bulk cleanup settings

You can delete components and environments in bulk automatically when they reach a certain number of versions or after certain days.

Before you begin

You must have the following permissions:
  • Server Configuration > Bulk Manage Cleanup
  • Web UI > Settings Tab

About this task

You can configure the cleanup criteria for component versions and environments in bulk.


  1. On the Web UI, open the Cleanup Configuration page by clicking Settings > Cleanup Configuration.
    The list of all components is displayed.
  2. Configure cleanup setting for components in bulk.
    1. Select components by using any of the following ways:
      • Filter the component list by Name and Cleanup Setting.
      • Select all displayed rows by clicking Select All.
    2. Click Set Cleanup Configuration.
    3. Clear the Inherit Cleanup Settings check box, and specify the following cleanup settings for the selected components:
      • Number of days you want to keep the versions in the Days to Keep Versions field.
      • Number of versions you want to keep in the Number of Versions to Keep field.
  3. Configure cleanup setting for environments in bulk.
    1. Select Environments from the drop-down on the left.
    2. Select environments by using any of the following ways:
      • Filter the environment list by Environment and Application name.
      • Select all displayed rows by clicking Select All.
    3. Click Set Cleanup Configuration.
    4. Select Use Default Artifact Cleanup Settings to use the artifact cleanup settings that are defined in the system settings.
      If you do not want to use the system settings, then deselect the Use Default Artifact Cleanup Settings option and specify the following cleanup settings for the selected environments:
      Field Description

      Days to Retain Application Snapshots

      Specify the number of days to retain snapshots after they are not the most recently deployed snapshot in this environment.

      The most recently deployed snapshot is always retained. To retain application snapshots indefinitely, enter -1. To use the system default retention value, enter 0.

      Days to Retain Versions Specify the minimum age in days to save a component version. If you set both component and environment settings, the higher value is used.
      Number of Versions to Retain Specify the minimum number of versions to keep.
    5. Select Use Deployment History Cleanup to delete the deployment history records of the selected environments.
      You can select the Use Default Deploy History Retention option to use the deployment history cleanup settings that are defined in system settings.
      If you do not want to use the system settings, then deselect the Use Default Deploy History Retention option and specify the number of days you want to keep the deploymemt history records in the Days to Retain Deployment History field.
    6. Select Use Process Step Log Cleanup to delete the process step logs of the selected environments.
      You can select the Use Default Step Log Retention option to use the process log cleanup settings that are defined in the system settings.

      If you do not want to use the system settings, then deselect the Use Default Step Log Retention option and specify the number of days you want to keep the process step logs in the Days to Retain Step Logs field.

  4. Save your changes.


You have configured the cleanup settings for components and environments in bulk.