Learn how to extend the function of HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy).
Programmatically manage processes with PAC language.
Lists the various generic steps that can be used in a process.
This section includes what's new, defect fixes, and deprecations and removals in all releases.
This document includes information about the hardware, containers, prerequisite software, supported operating system, and database requirements with component level detail for the HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy).
Quickly become productive with HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy).
A HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy) installation consists of a Deploy server, a database server, and at least one agent.
Stay updated with latest features and functionalities by upgrading HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy) server, agents, and relays. This section also provides instruction on how to migrate your Deploy instance.
HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy) supports integrations with other IBM® and HCL products, products from others, and certain cloud systems.
Learn how to administer settings in HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy) elements and communication between the elements.
HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy) uses a flexible team-based and role-based security model that maps to your organizational structure.
Modeling software deployment in HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy) includes configuring components and component processes and adding those components to applications. Then, you use processes to deploy the components to environments.
Learn how to deploy applications in HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy).
Provides several different deployment and security reports.
The HCL plug-ins provide tools for creating component processes and integrations. HCL plug-ins provides plug-ins for several common deployment processes, and others are available to integrate with a wide variety of tools, such as middleware tools, databases, and servers.
Notification templates are the basis for emails that the server sends to users after an event occurs on the server. You can create customized notification templates by modifying the default templates provided, or by creating new templates of your own.
You can use these REST interfaces to automate tasks.
CLI is a command-line interface that provides access to the HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy) server. It can be used to find or set properties and to run numerous functions.
Use the PAC language to create HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy) processes.
Lists the various application steps that can be used in a process.
Lists the various core component steps that can be used in a process.
The add-process-warning step adds a warning message to the executing process
The acquire-lock step allows acquisition of a process lock.
The generic-manual-task step pauses the process until a manual approval is completed. This step is only valid in a generic process.
The plugin step allows you to execute a plug-in command. Note that this step is not valid for an application process.
The run-generic-process step executes a generic process and waits for it to complete.
The run-generic-process-for-each-affected-resource step executes a generic process for each resource affected by the application process and waits for it to complete. This step is only valid in an application process.
The set-final-process-status step that also appears as Set Status in the Web UI, forces the outcome status of a process to success or failure.
The shell step is a shortcut for the plugin step that specifies the Shell plug-in and the Shell command. Note that this step is not valid in an application process.
The start step is a pseudo-step that defines the beginning of the process. As it is not a true step, it does not use the step keyword. The only completion condition is success. So, on success is not required or permitted.
The switch step allows decision logic in the process. It expands a variable by name or evaluates an expression containing a 'p' expression to a value. Based on the value, one case is selected and its actions are carried out.
Learn how to troubleshoot some common issues with HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy).
You can act to ensure that your installation is secure and set up user access controls.