Installing the DevOps Deploy server

The server provides services such as the user interface used to configure application deployments, the security service, and the artifact repository, among others. Installing the server involves specifying configuration information for the server, such as the ports that the server uses.

Before you begin

The following table addresses some build-specific information that you must know while installing a specific version.
Affected version Notes
Removed Apache Derby as the default database
Apache Derby is deprecated and no longer shipped with HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy). You must not use Derby for evaluation and in a production environment.
Replaced FlexNet licensing with the HCL Licensing system
The FlexNet licensing system is deprecated and replaced with the HCL Licensing system. You can configure Deploy to use HCL Local License Server or Cloud License Server.
See Licensing and Applying HCL licenses to agents. To set up your license server, refer to the HCL Licensing documentation.
New software download location
You can download the installation files of version and all upcoming versions from the My HCLSoftware (MHS) portal.
Replaced FlexNet licensing with the HCL Licensing system
The FlexNet licensing system is deprecated and replaced with the HCL Licensing system. You can configure Deploy to use HCL Local License Server or Cloud License Server.
See Licensing and Applying HCL licenses to agents. To set up your license server, refer to the HCL Licensing documentation.
New software download location
You can download the installation files of version and all upcoming versions from the My HCLSoftware (MHS) portal.
Removal of old plug-in versions stored by the agent
When you upgrade and start an agent, the agent communicates with the server and looks for any plug-ins downloaded earlier. If any such plug-ins are found, they are removed from the system, and a new version of those plug-ins are downloaded automatically.

With this change, security vulnerabilities might be removed from agents that had old insecure versions of plug-ins on them.

About and
As part of Deploy 7.2.3 and, the Windows service name for agents are no longer customizable by end-users. The name is auto-generated by the Deploy server. Note that the naming convention of auto-generated Windows service name does not follow the naming convention standards. The versions and generates the Windows service name correctly.

Note that the ifixes do not provide the ability for users to define the service name. The name is auto-generated with the correct format.

Do not upgrade Windows agents with the now pulled-back 7.2.3 and versions. You must use the ifix releases only. If you have already upgraded your Windows agents with original releases, you should reach out to support to find out how to remediate it.
Server/agent version mismatch
An inconsistency exists between the versions of the Deploy server and agent installation files. However, the version mismatch, server and agent, does not cause any installation or upgrade problems.
Server logging file update
Logging information is now written to deployserver.out instead of the stdout file.

About this task

You can install the server in interactive mode or in silent mode.