Locking and deleting user accounts automatically

As part of your secured user account management process, you can configure the system to lock and delete idle or inactive users automatically.

Before you begin

You must have the following role permissions:
  • Web UI > Settings Tab
  • Server Configuration > Edit Basic System Settings
  • Server Configuration > View Users

About this task

A user account is considered idle or inactive if the user has not logged in for a specific duration. You can configure the system to lock these accounts after a specific duration and further delete them, if neccessary.


  1. On the Web UI, go to Settings > System Settings > Security settings.
  2. Specify the number of days users must be inactive before their accounts are locked in the User Idle Days to Lock field.
    Note: You can leave the field empty or set the value to 0 to disable locking of the user accounts.
  3. Specify the number of days users must be inactive before their accounts are deleted in the User Idle Days to Delete field, .
    The value must be greater than the value specified in the User Idle Days to Lock field or you can set the value to 0 to disable deletion of the user accounts.
  4. Save the settings.


You have configured automatic locking and deletion of user accounts in the system. The users are locked and deleted automatically based on your defined settings.

What to do next

At any point of time, you can click Preview Idle User Lock in the system settings to check the number of user accounts that are going to be locked and deleted. Additionally, you can view the Last Logon Time, Locked Time, Will Lock, and Will delete times of each user in the Authentication (Users) page.