Agent relay installation properties
You can find the list of HCL Launch agent relay properties that are used during the installation process.
The properties are listed in the file after the installation is complete. The properties can also be used to modify the data or setting of an already installed agent relay.
Property | Default value | Description |
agentrelay.home | /opt/launch/agentrelay on Linux™ or C:\\Program
Files\\Launch\\agentrelay on Windows™ |
The installation folder for the relay. On Windows™, escape each backslash with an additional backslash, as in
the following example:agentrelay.home=C:\\Program
Files\\Launch\\agentrelay . | | launch-relay |
The name of the relay. Each relay must have a unique name. | | None | The unique ID that is generated the first time relay connects to a Deploy server. | | |
The IP address or host name on which the relay listens for HTTP
requests from agents. In most cases, the agent relay listens on all IP addresses that
are available to the computer; in this case, specify . |
agentrelay.http_proxy.port | 20080 |
The port on which the agent relay listens for HTTP requests coming
from agents. In addition, the relay automatically listens for CodeStation requests on
port HTTP_proxy + 1 on the system where the agent relay is located.
If you use the default port for HTTP requests, the relay uses 20081 for CodeStation
requests and artifact transfers. If the CodeStation request port is blocked, agents
cannot download artifacts. |
agentcomm.server.uri | wss://localhost:7919 |
The WebSocket connection that is used to communicate with the
server. The WebSocket secure URL may have the format
wss://host-or-ip:port . |
agentrelay.user | agentrelay |
The user with which to run the agent relay. This property is not used on Windows™ systems. | | agentrelay |
The group with which to run the agent relay. This property is not used on Windows™ systems. |
verify.server.identity | false |
Whether the agent relay attempts to verify the server certificate.
If set to true , you must import the server certificate to the JRE
keystore on the agent relay. |
agentrelay.codestation.server_url | None | The full URL of the central server to connect to, such as
agentrelay.codestation.server_password | None | An authentication token from the server. |
agentrelay.codestation.enable_replication | false |
Specify true to enable artifact caching on the
relay. |
agentrelay.codestation.max_cache_size | None | The size to which to limit the artifact cache, such as
500M for 500 MB or 5G for 5 GB. To not put a limit
on the cache, specify none . By default, each hour, the agent relay
checks the size of the artifact cache. If the cache is over the limit, the agent relay
removes files based on which files have not been used in the longest time. Therefore,
the total disk space used by the cache can exceed the cache limit. You must ensure
that the agent relay has enough space to store all of the cached artifacts. |
agentrelay.codestation.geotags | None | If you choose to cache files on the relay, you can specify one or
more component version statuses here, separated by semicolons. The agent relay
automatically caches component versions with any of these statuses so that those
versions are ready when they are needed for a deployment. A status can contain a space
except in the first or last position. A status can contain commas. The special
* status replicates all artifacts, but use this status with
caution, because it can make the agent relay store a large amount of data. If no value
is specified, no component versions are cached automatically. If you cache files on
the relay, do not put the CodeStation cache on an NFS file system. |
agentrelay.install.service | false |
Specify true to install as a Windows™ service.This
property is used only on Windows™. | | agentrelay |
The name of the service. This property is used only on Windows™. |
agentrelay.install.service.login | .\\localsystem |
The user to run the service. This property is used only on Windows™. |
agentrelay.install.service.password | nopass |
The password for the user that runs the service. This property is used only on Windows™. |
agentrelay.install.service.autostart | false |
Specify true to start the service automatically.
property is used only on Windows™. |
agentrelay.keystore.password | changeit |
The keystore password for the agentrelay.keystore file. |
agentrelay.cert.alias | agentrelay |
The certificate alias for the agentrelay.keystore file. |
agentrelay.cert.password | changeit |
The password for the agentrelay.keystore certificate. |
codestation.keystore | conf/codestation.keystore |
The location of the keystore for HTTPS communication. |
codestation.keystore.password | changeit |
The keystore password for the codestation.keystore file. |
codestation.cert.alias | agentrelay |
The certificate alias for the codestation.keystore file. |
codestation.cert.password | changeit |
The password for the codestation.keystore certificate. |
cpu_arch | None | The system information where agent relay is installed. For
example, x64 . |
Although agents and relays that use the JMS communication protocol cannot establish connections with HCL Launch v7.2.0 and later, the references to JMS persist in some file names, property names, folder names, and directory names.
For example, the following names that are associated with JMS are still used in HCL Launch v7.2.0 and later:,, jms-relay.log directory, and jms-relay folder.